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This is still much in the development phase, I am hoping by posting this, that I can get some help in developing this software. The basic idea is to create a gamekit with a rapid development environment. Most of the games that this gamekit will support are RPG since they are similar in design.

Note: I have moved the game into playground to help its development. When a significant amount of work has been achieved, I will update the code here.
Last changelog:

- Added Project saving/loading to kollagame (07/11/07)

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You need to add a line to your CMakeList files... http://linux-tipps.blogspot.com/2008/08/unknown-cmake-command-kde4adduifiles.html


Please give us something to go on... I want to make my dot hack fan game so badly.


there are news about this project?


PLEASE UPDATE! TELL US SOMETHING! I was so excited for this, I don't know how to code (or else I'd hardcode a game) so unfortunately I can't help build this, I'd like to know if you've done any progress or seen about trying to hand this off to the kde-games team or something. I don't want this to just die.


kde4 has been releaesed, any changes to the code? any hint on how to compile in kubuntu?


Um... could I just get a quick howto to compile this for ubuntu gutsy... the old "./configure make make install" method doesn't work.


If you need artwork, just tell me how big the tiles are, how many random sets you want, and what you want them of. oh, and is this 3d or 2d constructions? or both ^_^? i'd love to help get something like this underway. reminds me of Jazz jackrabbit. and that was one of my favorite childhood games. And the best way to stop accumulating junk on sites like this? stop spiting garbage out. if you feel something shouldn't be made, go click vote bad until your finger falls off. don't sit here and insult a project that can turn good. because anything can become a solid well thought out design, as long as you put some thought, and some work in it.


I don't agree at all, 99% of the games produced with click'n run/gamemaker, etc.etc. are very bad quality games, and IMHO the last thing missing on linux actually are poor quality games,sorry.... (we already have plenty of poor graphics games, with this one we'll be full of poor graphics and poor programming ones, as if kde-apps and similar places weren't enough crowded...)


I agree with you that kollagame current has poor graphics. Please realize that kollagame was just started month to two months ago and I am more focused on getting kollagame to work rather than producing wowing graphics. Often the programmers are not the artist and the artist are not the programmers. This is the reason why I think KDE needs a game kit. This will allow the programmers like me to produce the game maker and scripts for the games. Then the artist can come along and produce wowing graphics. Last the story writers can come along and produce a game with an awesome story line. Kollagame is suppose to be a program that bridges the talents of programmers, artist and story writers together.


There are always bad quality things made, regardless of OS or tools. Being formerly from the RM2K community, I can certainly attest to that. OTOH, there are a lot of GOOD quality things made with RM2K/Gamemaker/Clickteam/etc. , and so the question is, do you think we should prevent good quality creations to shield us from bad quality creations?


I'm agree with zarquad: "This is honestly one of the coolest and important steps to converting a lot of technical RPG lovers."


I've been waiting for something to replace my RPG Maker2k3 ever since I switched to linux. I look forward to this! This is honestly one of the coolest and important steps to converting a lot of technical RPG lovers. My friend wouldn't convert because oh OHR, but now that it's ported to linux, he's been using Game Maker.


As awesome as Qt4/KDE4's dock sections are, I'm thinking that's probably not the best place to put database-based features... Oh, and I'd be willing to help if I weren't a gutless coward and busy procrastinating on other things I'm supposed to be doing...


very interesting! I can't help you with the development, now. But if you need Italian translation, I can translate it.


btw, kde4 apps work just fine in kde3 ;) you just need to have the libs installed.


Hi, I can't help you with the development, but i alwasy hoped there would come a Click & Create for Linux type of software. http://www.clickteam.com/eng/mmf2.php

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