Spooky Shooter
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Or perhaps better not all of them?
New version with scrolling only by the moon and only 1 pass.
2 addidional scenes: barnyard, swamp
needs Qt3
Sound available for aRts KDE)
and NAS (X11) soundservers,
runs too without sound (NAS version)
1. Unpack in a directory of your
2. point to SpookyGame2_02
3. for aRts, type
and wait until it has finished.
for all others, type
and wait until it has finished.
Changelog spooky shooter
V.2.05 (15.Sep.2006)
gcc4 compatible
V.2.02 (22.Feb.2005):
Swamp lights more flashy images
Swamp lights sound and remarks
Swamp lights score changed
V2.01 (21.Feb.2005):
Rat moving adjusted
Added swamp scene (screen 4)
Added swamp lights
Motion of sprites restricted to cursor +- screensize
Release rate of sprites adjusted to new canvas size
To do: swamp lights sound and swamp related remarks
V.2.00 (will be a separate version)
The berliOs version SpookyGame2, 20.Feb.2005
no more self-scrolling, the landscape shifts with the moon
1 moon pass only
(no more Orion or Venus, the game lasted apparently too long)
added barnyard scene
sprite handling optimized for future sprites
some scorpion glitches corrected
added message box with stupid remarks
The berliOs version SpookyGame1, identical to V.050212-20:00, the former version
Ratings & Comments
I had to remove "window::" in window.h:29 to compile it.
... is fixed in 2.05 (checked with gentoo, kde 3.5,gcc4)
V050215:2000 MEZ: no more editing installation files needed (hopefully)
the NAS version is installed by: ./install_spooky_nas_engl.cmd uja