Description: Ultimate Edition theme and how to install themes on a basic ubuntu install (ooo hell yea)
- To install clock
- Add and remove programs - In search type mac slow's cairo-clock and install
- To install themes
- Go to - Download your choice of themes, untar to desktop - In terminal type sudo nautilus - navigate Filesystem>usr>share>cairo-clock>themes - drag your untared "cairo-clock theme file" from your desktop into themes folder and close all windows - Go to Applications click on "Cairo clock", clock will show on desktop - Right click on clock, click properties, click theme bar, and find the theme you want click and make other changes to your liking!Last changelog:
hello there again. it's me again, the newbie who asked on how to install cairo-clock theme. i tried typing sudo nautilus in the terminal and this is what it says:
"Nautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory
Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing.
and one more thing.... "add and remove" (where could i find that?)"...please bear with me, i am really new here and i really wanna learn more about ubuntu. thanks!
Great! happy to be of service! and WELCOME to linux, have fun! remember to back up your home folder often, and any questions GOOGLE is your friend,as well as the forums! enjoy =)!
thx 4 the reply johnny much appreciated bud.i've hit a snag with this clock the last few days mate regarding a terminal window coming up all the time wen i boot it & wen eva i close terminal the clock goes down with it,it might have sumfin 2 do wif me usin bleach bit to get sum drive space back?ive reinstalled many times now & cant seem to google up a fix on this 1 johnny u got sum advice for me bro? cheers..
Hi, Sorry to hear of your problem, This is a new one! The only thing I can think of at this point would be to remove "cairo-clock" in synaptic, open synaptic,
SYSTEM>ADMINISTRATION>SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER, type in cairo clock, And mark for complete removal, try that and see if it works,then if it does, Try reinstalling cairo-clock again,keep me posted as to the out come so I can keep tab's on the fix, thanks
thx 4 the quick reply m8,na still same bug bud theres no option in properties to block it etc either the clock worx fine bro just as soon as i kill the terminal window the clock dies with it.nothing i have found on google to date either,strange..
Ok,let me ask this, what distro. are you using? ubuntu ? you say "terminal" do you mean an X terminal? let me know so I understand, and maybe better help !
I am sure you know who I am. I would like your permission to debianize your clock it is modded to go with the upcoming UE 2.4 theme you can see it here It has not been released to even my admin.
It would be both an honor and a privilege to even have any of my work even considered for Ultimate Edition ! Thank you so much, I don't know what to say other than, OOO HELL YES !!!
(not authorized to view this forum but) OOO HELL YEA!
No no, my friend your English is fine, I understand now, how ever this "how to" is basically aimed at newbie's or anyone with a basic install,and is just an "in general""How to" but I am sure anyone that reads this now will also see it from your point! thanks for the feed back!
In my case, I downloaded version 2.0.8.tar.gz and then I made the deb for 64 bit version that I have installed after because I want to operate with my sistem in freedom without involving the root. in this
case i have my clock folder in home/.config/cairo-dock/extra/cairo-clock and drop the clock themes there, you can proceed to activate the clock in your dock, then you can move the clock where you want. Sorry for my english
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hello there again. it's me again, the newbie who asked on how to install cairo-clock theme. i tried typing sudo nautilus in the terminal and this is what it says: "Nautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing. and one more thing.... "add and remove" (where could i find that?)"...please bear with me, i am really new here and i really wanna learn more about ubuntu. thanks!
i'm 2 days into linux bro so ur noob tute worked wonders 4 me thanks heaps mate cheers..
Great! happy to be of service! and WELCOME to linux, have fun! remember to back up your home folder often, and any questions GOOGLE is your friend,as well as the forums! enjoy =)!
thx 4 the reply johnny much appreciated bud.i've hit a snag with this clock the last few days mate regarding a terminal window coming up all the time wen i boot it & wen eva i close terminal the clock goes down with it,it might have sumfin 2 do wif me usin bleach bit to get sum drive space back?ive reinstalled many times now & cant seem to google up a fix on this 1 johnny u got sum advice for me bro? cheers..
Hi, Sorry to hear of your problem, This is a new one! The only thing I can think of at this point would be to remove "cairo-clock" in synaptic, open synaptic, SYSTEM>ADMINISTRATION>SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER, type in cairo clock, And mark for complete removal, try that and see if it works,then if it does, Try reinstalling cairo-clock again,keep me posted as to the out come so I can keep tab's on the fix, thanks
thx 4 the quick reply m8,na still same bug bud theres no option in properties to block it etc either the clock worx fine bro just as soon as i kill the terminal window the clock dies with it.nothing i have found on google to date either,strange..
Ok,let me ask this, what distro. are you using? ubuntu ? you say "terminal" do you mean an X terminal? let me know so I understand, and maybe better help !
mate i'm on ubuntu 9.04 & as for the terminal its GNOME Terminal 2.26.0,hope this helps bud,cheers..
I am sure you know who I am. I would like your permission to debianize your clock it is modded to go with the upcoming UE 2.4 theme you can see it here It has not been released to even my admin.
UUMMM,AAHH,UUMMMM,.....OOOO HELL YES !!! It would be both an honor and a privilege to even have any of my work even considered for Ultimate Edition ! Thank you so much, I don't know what to say other than, OOO HELL YES !!! (not authorized to view this forum but) OOO HELL YEA!
No no, my friend your English is fine, I understand now, how ever this "how to" is basically aimed at newbie's or anyone with a basic install,and is just an "in general""How to" but I am sure anyone that reads this now will also see it from your point! thanks for the feed back!
Please explain.
In my case, I downloaded version 2.0.8.tar.gz and then I made the deb for 64 bit version that I have installed after because I want to operate with my sistem in freedom without involving the root. in this case i have my clock folder in home/.config/cairo-dock/extra/cairo-clock and drop the clock themes there, you can proceed to activate the clock in your dock, then you can move the clock where you want. Sorry for my english
It is not appropriate for those who do not install a stable version (deb)