Their best suited for the bottom panel. Simply Right-click the Panel, and click on Properties, Now, make the size of the panel 32 pixels. In the Backround tab, select Backround Image and choose your preferred backround from this package.
The screenshot is using the Normal backround. The second, the Aero Panel Backround. The wallpaper was also created by me, and can be downloaded at:
I'm still working on it, and adding new panel images.
P.S. I honestly didn't know that the icon in my previous screenshot violated a trademark, so thanks zmile for pointing it out

Ratings & Comments
Do you know that little sign on your panel is copyrighted by Micro$oft! And you had copy/paste that sign on your panel and licensed it GPL! Well my friend it is plagiarism and you just downgrade this site in the eyes of the not opensource people and give them material for more nonsenses about opensource. You better polarize your energy in something more creative.
Sorry. :( but, a question- Are you talking about the start menu icon? Thats from a gnomenu theme. If you mean that icon, i can remove it from the screenshot.
Removed. By the way, i didn't copy/paste it, I used GnoMenu. Thanks for pointing it out though :)