Hi, Your conky is really fantastic and easy to install also.
But I want you to ask that if you could please
You add to your "Space Conky" the weather
at least for one day? Thanks you in advance,
great conky, just one small thing. edit your startupconky.sh like this
sleep 8 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_clock &
sleep 9 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_sys &
sleep 10 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_cpu &
sleep 11 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_mem &
sleep 12 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_hd &
sleep 13 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_net;
because you have to add & at the end of each line because if you don't it will start only the first conky
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Hi, Your conky is really fantastic and easy to install also. But I want you to ask that if you could please You add to your "Space Conky" the weather at least for one day? Thanks you in advance, Horatio!
but mine is working good. first one starts and one second later, the second and then the rest every one second till fully loaded. looks sweet!
great conky, just one small thing. edit your startupconky.sh like this sleep 8 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_clock & sleep 9 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_sys & sleep 10 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_cpu & sleep 11 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_mem & sleep 12 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_hd & sleep 13 && conky -c ~/.my_fave_conky/.conkyrc_net; because you have to add & at the end of each line because if you don't it will start only the first conky
Thanks man, nice job,