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Ratings & Comments
hello good evening i voted good too in gnome-look i really like the idea (i did not think about before...) i managed to make it working with rgba module for murrine engine it run really nicely http://imgur.com/Zq8EU.png thank you
by the way .. happy birthday :o)
sorry forget about theme it does not work so well flash video can't work ... :o( but it's beautifull i agree
hmm! hopefully in time rgba will be as standard as compiz is today! :-p
re: transparency... a bit of theming, it doesnt deliver true transparency yet on linux but rather well selected gradients between the panel, chrome and wallpaper did it one night i was bored I might make a script to do it sometime but it would be very hacky :-) and probably need to be re-run each time the wallpaper changed unless the extension remained unpacked and could somehow update automagically. its only a semi working concept, however it would be better to wait for rgba in gtk to become more widespread... then we could write an extension!... if chrome allowed it. It looks much prettier with a transparent ui such as unity for netbooks.. as the panel seamlessly blends into the unity panel :)
aha. Then basically that means you can't move around the window, or the trick will be reviled? XD
well most people use it full screen, it will stay to scale if it stays in the left hand corner... its not consistent with elementary-gtk anyway unless the panel is transparent too, then its nice! especially maximized as there is not even a dividing line between the panel and chrome are visible :-) was more for unity i did this! just didnt change it back as i really like it!
how did you make chrome-s titlebar transparent? Wasn't that a Windows only feature?
How did you make chrome window decorations transparent??