This is a combination of the default SuSE 8.0 bootscreen and a trees walpaper. I'm not sure who originally posted the trees picture but whoever it was THANK YOU, and you get most of the credit here.
# This is the configuration file for the 1024x768 bootsplash picture
# for SuSE-Linux 8.0.
# This file is necessary to specify the coordinates of the text box on
# the splash screen.
# Comments are welcome by
# config file version
# should the picture be displayed?
# fgcolor is the text forground color.
# bgcolor is the text background (i.e. transparent) color.
# (tx, ty) are the (x, y) coordinates of the text window in pixels.
# tw/th is the width/height of the text window in pixels.
# (px, py) are the (x, y) coordinates of the penguin area in pixels.
# pw/ph is the width/height of the penguin area in pixels.
# (pr, pg, pb) is the color the penguin area gets filled with.
I tried to search for it and only found SuSE and MDK. I could swear I saw somthing somewhere about downloading the bootsplash setup files.
I'll post it if I find any info on it.
Most credit should go to SuSE, it is much harder reating the default splash screen than takinga good picture of trees. Trees can be found everywhere. I like it though.
Ratings & Comments
You can get everything you need from There are english READMEs in the package that explain everything.
please can you give the values for tx ... because before this i used another bootsplash were i changed them and havent saved the original ones ;)
# This is the configuration file for the 1024x768 bootsplash picture # for SuSE-Linux 8.0. # This file is necessary to specify the coordinates of the text box on # the splash screen. # # Comments are welcome by # config file version version=2 # should the picture be displayed? state=1 # fgcolor is the text forground color. # bgcolor is the text background (i.e. transparent) color. fgcolor=0 bgcolor=15 # (tx, ty) are the (x, y) coordinates of the text window in pixels. # tw/th is the width/height of the text window in pixels. tx=91 ty=161 tw=840 th=544 # (px, py) are the (x, y) coordinates of the penguin area in pixels. # pw/ph is the width/height of the penguin area in pixels. px=82 py=157 pw=859 ph=552 # (pr, pg, pb) is the color the penguin area gets filled with. pr=240 pg=240 pb=240
I tried to search for it and only found SuSE and MDK. I could swear I saw somthing somewhere about downloading the bootsplash setup files. I'll post it if I find any info on it.
I have Red Hat 7.3, I want to put a bootsplash in my redhat workstations. Do you know how i do that?
Most credit should go to SuSE, it is much harder reating the default splash screen than takinga good picture of trees. Trees can be found everywhere. I like it though.
I love the suse green look! Could you send me a bare version so I ca make my own splash screen of it?