Flash in splash screen

KDE 3.x Splash Screens

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Hi there. The topic says everything,i was watching to my splash screen, and thinking on making a *.swf file to make this intro. I don't know if it's possible or viable. But it gives more flexibility to the splash screen and more eye-candy .
What do you think?
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I've said flash, but for me it doesn't matter what tipe of file it is. But i think flash is then only (file type) that gives this kind of aanymations. If i could chouse, i'll chose a opensource file. But nowadays there is no one,. at least that i know

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I too would like to see an animated alternative to the box & statusbar convention. There are apparently a few good projects that will let you make flash content from linux, one of which is "Flash4Linux" which has an IDE that looks like Macromedia's Flash Studio. http://f4l.sourceforge.net/ This is a good idea. You might want to repost this idea to the KDE4 brainstorm section titled "Flash support for Ksplash". At the most basic level someone can make a ksplash engine that you can plug flash load-screens into. It might also be cool to go the extra mile and allow Flash KDM login screens. I wonder if there are any Vector Animation Markup Languages out there. A markup file similar to an XML document would be a neat way for people with no IDE experience to customize their own animations..


I personally hate that flash s**t because it is almost never used for something useful. Using Flash in KSplash would not be the most useful place to be used in after all - but why not? I'm sure the KDevelovers have that on the TODO list for KDE 6.5 :-) :-)


support a lot more media? I just had a vision of funny little movies being pulled from the net every day by cron and being played when logging in... :-)


I like the basic idea very much, and it could probably make for a whole lot of nice eyecandy because of the mentioned problems with support for flash, it would however be necessary to find either a way to make flash more supported, or an alternative format which would give the necessary candy, while stile keeping support to a maximum.


maybe it would look great but think more open :) flash is not well supported under linux, and almost unsupported under freebsd.. and what about architectures other than x86?


it isn't a good Idea, mainly because Linux has hardly and support for Flash anyway, so the most it would do Is crash the X server, and then your screwed cause' every time you try to log in it crashes

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