Gis Weather
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1.2 Bugfix: having a corrupt Plymouth settings file now doesn't stop the program from opening
1.1 Bugfix: Canceling an operation does not close the program
1.0: Initial Release
Ratings & Comments
7 7 good
9 +
Have a copy of zorin splash manager on my webspace ( )
Thank you so much, I was looking for that package for a few days! I don't know why they don't host it on the main Zorin site, it promotes download of the Zorin O/S after all...
I have checked on zorin package list but found anything about this package. When I have download this package for the first time , make immediately a copy. It's the reason I share it....
downloadlink is dead
you should add a preview option. might need to add a dependency (plymouth-x11). sudo plymouthd sudo plymouth --show-splash
sudo plymouth --quit
it's great on my one pc, but on the other i get: _________________________ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/splash-screen-manager", line 22, in <module> defaultfile = open('/lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth', 'r') # Opening the Default plymouth theme file for reading IOError: [Errno 40] Too many levels of symbolic links: '/lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth' _______________________ so looks like it has too many symlinks, like it ran into a loop or something. do you have any ideas?
Can you please open /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth and copy the text in the file to here so that I can take a look at what's wrong.
here: [Plymouth Theme] Name=INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng theme Description=Ubuntu plymounth theme ModuleName=script [script] ImageDir=/lib/plymouth/themes/INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng ScriptFile=/lib/plymouth/themes/INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng/mdv.script
oh, sorry, wrong pc. i'll post the file tomorrow...
um... for some reason it is a link to this folder (etc/alternative/text.plymouth)... idk what's going on there, i'll try to fix it.
The /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth file isn't supposed to link to the etc/alternative/text.plymouth file. To fix this open the Terminal and type in sudo nautilus and navigate to etc/alternative/ and make a link to the default.plymouth file. Cut the link to /lib/plymouth/themes/ and rename it back to default.plymouth after deleting the already existing default.plymouth file. Now try and see if the Splash Screen Manager works.
hmm that was weird. the /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth linked to some folder which contained a plymouth theme's archive, not the extracted theme. so i deleted the /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth, copied the text from my other pc, changed the theme parts, so it would work, and copied that to /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth. then i redid the link /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth. now it works :D thanks, i can't believe i didn't notice this before, no wonder the plymouth wasn't showing before, either ^^ great job on the program, btw, really an improvement from copying the themes in and running the commands every time :)
Awesome! Thanks! :D
hi Dear, this is a really usefull app. One question remains: will there be an official repository for Ubuntu and other ubuntu-based Distributions like LinuxMint for example?? This wpuld relly be cool, because it makes not only installing plymouth-themes much easier but also to keep it updated. I would really welcome such a development. You could open up your repository here for example: This would be helpful for us ubuntu-users too. Thanks for this nice little app and perhaps - one day - you could work together with the developer of ubuntu-tweak. Greetings Karmicbastler
Nice, thanks :D
Need support for 64 bits OS
We have now released the 64 bit version of the Splash Screen Manager. Best regards, The Zorin OS Team
This soft is excellent ! Works perfectly on my Ubuntu 10.10 !