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Ratings & Comments
sorry to say that I can not download it
I tried to download this theme but the browser say thay the link does not exist...
Rather strange that you would refer users to another site (your site?) - only for them to get a link back to gnome-look.
ok it seems that you have to click on the icon you see in his page... it would be a big help if except the icons he added some text... just to explain what is what...
There was an error in the text link.. now I have correct bye
Not Found The requested URL /linux/macosx.tar.gz was not found on this server. Apache/1.3.33 Server at xpedition.mine.nu Port 80
I am using Fedora core 4, and I am unable to get the icons to work. For example, the default openoffice icons are used, rather than the ones included in your theme. I was able to get some icons to work by renaming them. For example, ooo_calc.png got renamed to openofficeorg-calc.png. However, there are lots more to go. Is there an updated icon theme somewhere? I am running GNOME 2.10.0 on Fedora Core 4. Thanks!
Hi, i think your file is not anymore downloadable: wget http://xpedition.mine.nu/linux/macosx.tar.gz 13:04:48 FEHLER 404: Not Found. Could You fix that ? Greetings Chris
Found it! http://iack.altervista.org/macosx.tar.gz Gotta love Google :)
Very Nice..
My linux desktop never looked this beautiful , I love It thanks dude
Damn!!! My Desktop looks so nice!! Thanks for the design
Your theme is really excellent, so easy to install (i'm a linux new user). You made linux gnome very less boring than standard fedora core 3 look (for instance) ! Congratulations !
Where can I find or user this Starterbar?
i have changed the server with unilimited band. THNX TO Gábor ;)
I'm sad to report that the link you posted is to a server with a 10gb download limit, which means I, for one am going to have to wait till next month I suppose, to get this. I would greately appriciate it if someone who already has it, the publisher or otherwise, put it on a different server and made it completely available. Thank you.
Where did you got firefox and thunderbird icons ?
hey man, your window buttons are on the wrong side, you gotta put them on the left if you want it to look like a mac.