Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
... Many thanks to Nik Skavinsky ...
##### Launchers #####
You can add new launcher by DnD or launch app and press "+" button (preferred) in popup of app.
Button with gears can be used to open new window of app.
Known restrictions:
- Unable to use launchers for GNUStep
- Unable to use launchers for OOo writer, calc, draw, etc
- Only apps from menu can be added
- Some applications written in script languages like python recognized not correctly (because their author forgot to setup name for application)
To pin/unpin launcher you need to open preferences dialog and set 'Attach/Detach' action for group
The X branch by Matias Särs
You need to use compiz plugin KDE Compatibility and check 'support plasma previews'.
If you want live previews for minimized windows too, you can use KWin instead of compiz.
Watch demo video!
Default actions:
Window button:
left click:
- activate / minimize / unminimize
middle click:
- Close
right click:
- Lock/unlock
Group button:
left click:
- activate / minimize / unminimize group
(without locked windows)
middle click:
- close group of windows
right click:
- Compiz scale
To use compiz effects you need to activate them in compiz settings manager first.
- install python-gnome2-desktop
- copy dockbar folder to /usr/lib/
- copy theme files to share folder
- copy GNOME_DockBarApplet.server to /usr/lib/bonobo/servers
- add DockBar applet to panel
- make link:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/dockbar/dockbar.py /usr/bin/dockbar.py
TESTED on Ubuntu 10.04 with compiz and metacity
You can run it in window:
dockbar.py run-in-window
==== AWN applet ====
DockBar for Avant Window Navigator is a simple applet (wrapper) to use DockBar with AWN.
AWN effects are not available for DockBar applet.
Use it only on horizontal awn dock!
AWN applet may not work. Please wait for bug fix.
P.S. Sorry for bad English
Some stupid bugs fixed in pref dialog (Launch action added to list of group actions)
Little redesign of popup of group
Border for previews
Minimal size of previews
!!! New dependency - urllib
Wine apps groupped by .exe name. Aslo you can add wine app as launcher (Drag from menu).
Buttons in popup header removed.
Pref dialog running check
Pref dialog redesign unused params removed
Fixed minimization then some of wins always-on-top
Live Previews. You need KDE Compatibility plugin and check support plasma thumbnails.
Bg bug fixed
Launchers first
Path in .server file changed
Lunch effect
Update position of popup winlist
Basic styles support
Compiz calls now async
New action 'prev/next window'
!!! New dependency: pynotify
Minimization target
Windows previews
Bug 419430 fixed (No way to open preferences in AWN)
Preferences dialog bug fixed
New action system (Default actions changed)
DockBar preferences is in dockbar_pref.py now
Some code cleanups
-fixed- Updating state of group button
-fixed-Flickering without compiz
Ratings & Comments
You forgot to tell us how to install the dam thing. I got the ppa to install, but you did not tell us the comand to enter in the terminal to install it. Who is going to want to put up with this crap!
Tried to run 24.1 on fc12 README says "install python-gnome2-desktop". There is gnome-python2-gnomedesktop and gnome-python2-desktop in fc12. I already had both installed. instead of copying the file and folders I made symlinks when I try to add I get: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_DockBarApplet" Delete / Don't Delete Looking forward to getting it to run as it looks very cool.
Forgot to put dockbar.py into /usr/bin (which I also did as a symlink). Works fine now, sorry for the noise. PS You forgot to add that step to the README
PPS The 24.1 tarfile untars into 0.24 instead of 0.24.1 PPPS I'd prefer dockbar-0.24.1 Thanks for all your work!
>PPS The 24.1 tarfile untars into 0.24 instead of 0.24.1 Really? I have 0.24.1 folder in it. (Opened with archive manager in gnome)
oh hell. I must have untarred the old tarfile. Sorry, not my day for accuracy! I am using and enjoying dockbar (0.21)
Thanks for bug report!
Hi again regarding your question, yeah i would like an option to define which programs do not group if possible. that is for example define that the "terminal" program each has its own icon in the dockbar while "firefox" windows/instances are all grouped like they are right now. if thats technically impossible/hard i would also love an option to turn off grouping all together that is each instance of any program will have its own icon thx zeltak
- install python-gnome2-desktop - copy dockbar folder to /usr/lib/ (/usr/lib/dockbar) - copy theme files to share folder (/usr/share/dockbar/themes) - copy GNOME_DockBarApplet.server to /usr/lib/bonobo/servers - add DockBar applet to panel All this is a Read me for installation , but , when i try to lauch to the panel nothing , well i see the configuration the Gnomedockbarapplet.server , this line <oaf_server iid="OAFIID:GNOME_DockBarApplet_Factory" type="exe" location="/usr/bin/dockbar.py"> well then i copy the dockbar.py to /usr/bin/ , u need to put that Read me .. Sorry for my bad english ;)
Thanks for bug report. Ill write about it in readme in next release.
hi yeah i think the lock/unlock' feature would be a cool additions Zeltak
Hi aleksey First thx alot for this awesome applet, its really great and actually one of the reasons allowing me to move to gnome :)! i have a few suggestions (not requests!.. :)) that i think could benefit dockbar (is there a forum/irc or is this the correct place for requests?) so i would love to see: a)ability to change the icons to user defined ones? b)the option NOT to group similar windows together c)have the pop-up with the add etc button more refined and define how quick it disappears (sometimes it stays to long IMHO) thanks again Zeltak
Thanks for your comment. a) It is already possible but not obvious. If you really want to change icon for some app you need to change icon in gnome menu and restart dockbar ('killall dockbar.py' in terminal). More clear way to do that may be a feature in next releases. b) Please give an example. Or you want it for all apps? c) Themeable popup is planned to next releases.
You can write your ideas here and at launchpad.net: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/dockbar
I have just tried 0.24 test version, the new concept is great. However I find a minor bug, here is how it happens: First, open an application, and press "+" button in popup, then close the application. Second, open that application again and close then. Third, press "-" button in popup of that application so its icon in dockbar area will disappear. Finally, open that application again, and its icon won't show up in dockbar area anymore. Also, another suggestion, to possible add a function to change the icon of launch application.
Thanks for testing! Please try it again, I think bug fixed.
I have just tried 0.24 test version, the new concept is great. However I find a minor bug, here is how it happens: First, open an application, and press "+" button in popup, then close the application. Second, open that application again and close then. Third, press "-" button in popup of that application so its icon in dockbar area will disappear. Finally, open that application again, and its icon won't show up in dockbar area anymore. Also, another suggestion, to possible add a function to change the icon of launch application.
in launchpad is the 0.21-1 version :S
launchpad ppa updated
Good work so far. I hope you do not stop developing on this. dockbarx and dockbar for awn are nice, but i like dockbar with the gnome-panel-applet more, it integrates very well into gnome.
What the hell is this? An OS X dock and a Window list put into one? Errr so ugly.
ugly? it's very functional for little screens!
Indeed, my laptop's no widescreen, such a function on AWN is very useful.
Hi, for some reason I cannot get it to work on Avant Window Manager. I already went into the ~.config/awn folder, and dragged the DockBar folder into it, and then I restared AWN, but I don't see any new applet there. Or maybe I misunderstood the directions? What did I do wrong? I'm using Hardy Heron btw. Thanks.
Copy to ~/.config/awn/applets NOT just ~/.config/awn/