Description: This Grub bootsplash has been created by Wilbert Berendsen at March 9, 2005.
The lineart.svgz background distributed with KDE 3.4 was edited in Inkscape and used as background, the lineart logo was added using The GIMP.
The picture was dithered to 14 colors using The GIMP and hand edited afterwards to remove ugly dithering pixels inside the KDE logo.
How to install:
* Put the lineart.xpm.gz file inside the /boot/grub/ directory. * Edit /boot/grub/menu.conf to contain a line like:
splashimage = /boot/grub/lineart.xpm.gz
If the grub partition is not your operating system's root partition but another one (mounted under /boot) then add the partition number in GRUB style, like this:
About time I found something I liked for my grub splash ! :)
Would also be nice if it were in more colors then blue but this is a start, finally KDE-themed all the way baby :D
Ratings & Comments
realy like it. good job! thanx!
About time I found something I liked for my grub splash ! :) Would also be nice if it were in more colors then blue but this is a start, finally KDE-themed all the way baby :D