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how do i install,i am running dapper. I followed the instion ,when i broswe to the bright folder there are a number of files.I treid each one ng
first off its only a picture ... its not for sale im not gaining anything out of making this for anyone i made it for myself and to share with anyone who likes it im not charging anything and nither is kde-look regardless of GPL XPL LMNOP lisences. first off the image itself wasnt trademarked registerd or copyrighted , nor does his site that the actuall image is hosted on say anything about not being able to use the image. moreover you need to look through this site and get off my back cause almost 90% of splashes either have an image of a person or an image of an comicbook char like for Ex. the ghost rider splash that is a registerd trademark of marvel comics .. does he give credit did he make it "NO!" so you need to get off my ass about this post and find somthing better to do with your time like maybe perhaps contributing to this site for instance .. mr "i only post to critisize" Grow up
He has a point. Many people do not understand licensing issues. Maybe you should not flame people for comments that are other than "nice work dude". One can also learn from criticism.
I really don't know if it's GPL or not, all I know it's I like it! ;)
thanks alot for your positive comments
Moreover: let say that the oryginal work is GPL. Your work is GPL, but GPL says that any person that uses somebody's work should provide info about the oryginal author - You have not done this. I suggest that before You start licensing Your 'work' You should read and understand the terms of license You are using. Regards, B.
seeing how your in the mood of talking about licenses there are about 90% of copyrighted material on this site have fun
Hi, You have done wuite nice splash, but It is not GPL: As You can see the license (form the Original Author) is: "Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden." I suggest to delete this form kde-look as it violates tha author rights. Regards, B.
thanks for the warning ... but the site you supplyed is not the author of the content
The site I have supplied is an art gallery where people presents Their work. And the author reservs all the right to his work, so without his permission You can't GPL this, moreover You should provide link to the original work and notify the author about what You are doing. And if You want the author's page, here it is:
Good job!
Great work! Is the background image available in a bigger resolution (1024x768 or 1280x1024) ? Thanks,
Where can I get the picture you used for a background
Very humorous and artistic. Thanks for your fine work.
he he.. thanks glade you enjoyed it :D
i would like to THANK everyone on KDE-LOOK for all the positive Feed-back .. this is a really nice place thanks everyone