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kde/icewm windecs
panel tiles

Ratings & Comments



Yea looks Nice! Im sorry that people have been giving you the thumbs down on it.


It's very well designed.. honestly I'll probably never use it because I dont want my DE looking like XP, but on the design concept it is very nice. 9/10.


How can I make my system use a system bar like yours? The "K" panel at bottom :( Thanks in advance.


i think it's one of them dock applet thingies. i don't use it so i actually don't know. the closest thing i could find was this: maybe a google on kde dock applet will yield something more for you.


I like it. It provides a familar look that will make MS users more comfortable in their migration to Gnu/Linux. However, the Linux nuts will no doubt treat you with contempt. Remember, most that claim to want choice really mean they want others forced to accept theirs. Themes such as this will permit me and others to set up low cost hosts that any MS users can sit down at and be productive from the start. Please keep up your work in this area. It is needed if Linux ever hopes to attract some of the 95% that use Windows.


First off, but no offense, but that was completely an utterly silly. I have *yet* to meet another Linux user who has tried to force their version of a Desktop/Window Manager choice as "the one right way" and I truly doubt I ever will. Most of us all use something different, and a few of us (including myself) are always trying a new WM/DE when we feel the urge. I've now been using Linux (at work and at home) on the desktop for over 5 years and have helped several people convert to using it on the desktop. (And not just MS, but also older MacOS users.) I prefer moving them to KDE at first because it's a bit more cohesive in all it's parts than anything else at the moment. But, depending on the person, I always show them they have choice and show them how to choose a different WM/DE from the login screen to try them out. Not *once* was there a "how can I do this" moment that a little training did not solve. The whole myth that your average user can not use Linux because it is so different from Windows is completely bull. It's rather insulting to some that simply because they are not computer geeks that they can not learn to use software. As for the windecs for KDE, etc, it *is* about choice, and it's reinforced the first time you run KDE and it asks you how you would like the look-n-feel set up. If you are having someone convert from Windows, simply make sure the window buttons are in the top right corner in the order they expect, and it simple *does not matter* if that title bar looks like standard MS Windows or not. (For a Mac convert, do likewise.) Personally, I don't like the WinXP look anymore than I like the MacOSX look, but if that is what you prefer, then go for it. Have a ball, have a blast, but to drop a blanket lable on a community that is large (and *does* have it's share of bad apples) is a bit wrong and as narrowminded as those you are ranting against.


Oh my god... Why can't people just a give a comment without prejudices? I agree that this decoration reminds me of Win XP... And for god's sake, WHO cares? You should comment the work that the artist has done here! No one cares for your antipathies against some OS. The artist has done good work and spent some of his spare time to someon here a favour... Good work!


Right on!!!! I still voted up on the windec though ...


Thank you for making my point.


what was your point? as far as the first point, no where did the first reply say that you're a nut for liking this. as a matter of fact, he says while he doesn't like windows or mac os windec clones, he says if you do go for it. as far as your second point, the first replier is pretty much right. how does a windec confuse a window user on how to use linux or some other operating system? it's quite silly. on just about every windec you can customize it to have 3 buttons just like windows (or mac or whatever). those 3 buttons do the same thing - minimize, maximize and close the window. you can set them to the left if you like the mac style or set them to the right just like in windows. anyway, it's not a bad effort and it looks pretty clean in the screenshots. not much else i can say about it. it's not my cup of tea, but it does look like a well done and clean windec.

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System Tags


IceWM is a stacking window manager for the X Window System graphical infrastructure, written by Marko Maček. It was written from scratch in C++ and is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Wikipedia