Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Funny story: I was too lazy to finish the rest of the buttons.
Is that a good or bad thing? Does laziness equal beauty?
You tell me.
post script:
More funny story: The other buttons only took 5 minutes to finish. Last changelog:
Is that a good or bad thing? Does laziness equal beauty?
You tell me.
post script:
More funny story: The other buttons only took 5 minutes to finish.
*made the "X" smaller
*added the other buttons
*new screen
Ratings & Comments
It looks really nice!
When I double click my windows shade. If I want windec like this I'll use windowmaker!
I believe kde-look asks for all text to be in English, NOT moron. I added the other buttons, so what's the problem? Speak more clearly.
What wallpaper are you using?
I believe it's called "Graphite Sable"... or something close to that...
yay! people are still using my wall!
In answer to your question NO, not if it gets in the way of functunailty. Please add more buttons, other than that it looks ok.
Frankly, I didn't and don't believe that not having those items "gets in the way functionality." I got rid of --what were in my opinion-- two buttons that were essentially useless in the first place. To maximize? Double click on the window title. To minimize? A click on the taskbar will do! Not a strong argument, I know... but I'm still not planning on adding the other buttons. ... eh...