Gorilla IceWM Decoration
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Gorilla IceWM Decoration... Made to match the Gorilla Icons for KDE
Jimmac Rox! Last changelog:
Jimmac Rox!
v0.3.2 - Added Some Color...
v0.3 - One of the borders was the wrong color, it has now been fixed. Sorry About That!
v0.3 - Added a newer and thicker looking border.
v0.2 - Added a better looking border & changed the text color....
v0.1.2 - Minor Change...
v0.1.1 - Added a menu button & a another screenshot.
Ratings & Comments
Thanks for the theme, completes my gorila theme well.
That looks great! What font are u using?
SystemX, what window style are you using the first screenshot? Regards, Mystilleef
You mean what GTK2 Style am I using for Gimp? Or what Style am I using for KDE? For Gimp 1.3 I am using "Gorilla" and for KDE I am using "ThinKeramik". If you would like the GTK2 Gorilla theme, then download and install this file. http://www.starsurvivor.net/linux/gorilla/gnome-themes-extras-0.3.tar.bz2 The file installs Gorilla, Lush, Nuvola, Amaranth, & Wasp... It also includes the Industrial Theme Engine, among other things...
You always make my day. Designs like yours makes KDE worth using and worth being proud of. :-) Thanks, Mystilleef
This is great work man, ah tho on the left-side of the borders, tthe context colour shows, not pretty @ all, also was waiting for the full set of them icons :)