Xtreme-IceWM Themes
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
this IceWM windeco was ported from Windoze XP to linux,(windoze sucks but this windeco are really nice ;-))
Fuera Chavez, Viva Venezuela ;->
if someone have a nice!!! windeco or style, windows or mac os x send me 2 screenshots (active and inactive) to my mail(jrch99@cantv.net)and as soon as posible i'll post in here
i am not a graphical designer, i am a C++/Kde developers that just ported these themes, because for me they are really nice. Last changelog:
Fuera Chavez, Viva Venezuela ;->
if someone have a nice!!! windeco or style, windows or mac os x send me 2 screenshots (active and inactive) to my mail(jrch99@cantv.net)and as soon as posible i'll post in here
i am not a graphical designer, i am a C++/Kde developers that just ported these themes, because for me they are really nice.
this new version fix the aqualuna borders and include the xtreme2 theme
ok, guys you only need uncompress that file in your $HOME/.kde/apps/kwin/IceWM (redhat 9)
Ratings & Comments
Wow, I never thought anyone could ever alter those god-awful XP colors to look good!
I can see much likeness with xp... but I don't care ;-) Looks good
treetog never says no to ports, he does mind though if the port isnt as good as his original "pixels" as he calls it. He doesnt use linux nor care about linux, so i dont think he is going to mind.
That's a pixtudio.com theme and you have to pay to use it. Somehow I doubt you were given permission to port it. Btw, it's not a very good port.
i really dont know where my friend found this screenshots(from i cut the images and put it into these themes), in fact it's non important to me, because is a non comercial use.
Sorry for this childish comment... I don't want anyting even remotly like windows themes. I think windows xp very ugly to look at! And the man who have choosen the colors for windows xp must be color blind.
I agree that the windows xp is visually challenging but the aqualuna theme included in this theme is great and just what I have been waiting for - it is now on my desktop.
not that childish at all ... as a graphics designer I couldn't agree more (at the designschool we all called it The Fisherprice System). Now to the contributor: I like the graphics you have in production ... that is a nice touch to aqua ... selfmade or another copy (I don't care really)?
in fact i am not a graphical designer, i am a C++/Kde developer, i only wanna make it for linux, really look nice and now they are working on a real OS ;-)
to use this theme like screenshots you must download the icewm patch, and kwin dropshadow patch for kde 3.1.2
And were can I download these patches?