Description: These are just few simple decorations , from the Ice-wm package.
All rights reserved to there authors.
To install just unpack the file in : ~/.kde/share/apps/kwin/icewm-themes/ or /usr/share/apps/kwin/icewm-themes/ and select them from kcontrol - Look'n feel - win deco - icewm - icewm tab
unpacked into /home/elena/.kde/share/apps/kwin [[didn't exist yet]] /icewm-themes, but they don't show up in my Kubuntu Breezy KcontrolCenter!
I guess I need to install something I don't find in the repositories. something which provides KDE-Kwin support for icewm, isn't it? what have I to do?
IceWM is a stacking window manager for the X Window System graphical infrastructure, written by Marko Maček. It was written from scratch in C++ and is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Wikipedia
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unpacked into /home/elena/.kde/share/apps/kwin [[didn't exist yet]] /icewm-themes, but they don't show up in my Kubuntu Breezy KcontrolCenter! I guess I need to install something I don't find in the repositories. something which provides KDE-Kwin support for icewm, isn't it? what have I to do?