Gajim Ubuntu Iconset
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
*64x64 Icons added. not complete but many are done.
*Other improvements and additions
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I can't find this theme either here or on altlinux site. Can't seem to find it though google either. If someone can point to a download location plz.
Search Google for the filename, "kde-icon-theme-slick-1.5-alt1.src.rpm" and you'll find some download sources. That's how I got it.
I went on the website and how do I download it????
well the link is not working to download the icon package any idea please
This icontheme is really nice, i'm using it =) The only thing i dislike is the "K"-Menu button (the one which is in the bottom left corner for default and opens the menu) maybe you can change that, and it'll be really perfect (for me)
WHERE did you get Maya from? Have searched until i got mad! Nobody?
Short of buying it, you can actually download it from the alias wavefront website so long as you have a login account for the support section. Then all you need to do is 'sort' out the license.
yo! that icon set is tight! yaw mean!!
1.5 pre2 Tried 12.27.2003: The file is not a valid icon theme archive!
I got the same!!
How did you do that? I know you can put menu bars on the top, but I have seen any way to add icons and add other macos-ish features... how did you do it? Great icons by the way-- I use'em. Thanks.
Well, it says it's not a valid theme ... i'm using KDE 3.1.4
How can i change the default folder icons?In default they are blue,but i like to use the grey ones.How i can change this?
These icons are amazing! Your icons are by far the best IMOH (that includes all the OS X icons as well). The KDE users are lucky to have access to your work. Thanks Amibug
These icons rock =)
No mozilla Icon??
Keep up the excellent work really rocks!! //KenHan
I'm not crazy about some of the changes. I had to uninstall the new version and revert back to the version that ships default with KDE 3.1 (whatever that may be). I like the konq icon with the spider better. Also, I noticed in the 1.4 version that the kmenu icon doesn't appear correctly. I looked in the icon set, and the correct icon is present, but for some reason the one that got displayed on my system was from the default crystal set. I use slick mainly for the reason that it is not crystal and not aqua, etc. Sorry to bag on your improvements, but at least I am still with slick :)
yea I know where your comming from. I had some improvments in another theme I was using on my system, and some other modified cystal icons, and I just sorta threw it all in slick before I released it not realising ide done some damange (like removing the konq icon with the spider), and putting crystal folders in was something I overlooked. Anywho I suppose I better fix it up some time :)
I just installed the new version of Slick Icons (1.4). No offense, but some of the new default icons are identical to either Crystal (i.e. the folders) or Crystal-Classic (i.e. the Kicker Icon). What happened to the old, unique Slick Icon set ?
Thanks a lot, your icons are great, and i really hope they will ship with 3.2, I'm still downloading, but in case tehy weren't included... Remember, Sean has contributed some icons to your set: suite icons: and a nice Firebird icon:
I better do some work on them if anyones considering putting them in 3.2 :) Thanks for drawing those other icons to my attention, I didnt know they existed.
Glad to see this :) My old favorite icons are back!!