Folder Icons

Icon Sub-Sets

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I was messing around with the Gimp and I made this folder icon that I thought was pretty good looking. If I get enough of a positive response I will try to make some more of these with more colors and folder contents (pictures, videos, music, etc). Please let me know what you think. Comments (good or bad) are much appreciated. I want to get a feel for what you guys think before I start designing these hardcore. Enjoy!! :-)
Last changelog:

Folder Icons v1.00

Empty Folder
Document Folder
Music Folder
Movie Folder
Picture Folder
Temp Folder
Favorites Folder
Inbox Folder
Outbox Folder
Folder Icons v1.01

C Source Folder
C++ Source Folder
Java Source Folder
Root Folder
Folder Icons v1.02

I changed the folder icon shadowing as there was some problems scaling to smaller sizes. They should look much better now at lower resolutions.

Print Folder
Game Folder
Locked Folder
Public Folder
Folder Icons v1.03

As per Dareus's request, I have updated the file names so that they appear in the format folder[_type].png.

Also, I have provided several more resolutions of the icons. I'm not sure if I've created enough resolution types for everyone, so I have also included a 256x256 folder with larger icons that you can scale to your liking. Inside the 256x256 folder there is a shell script that you can modify to meet your needs. All you need to do to run it is type in "bash buildscript [path to output files to (must already exist)]" at the commandline. I was actually doing all the scaling and saving the images all myself by hand until this last build. I have too many icons now and it was taking forever.

Sorry Dareus, I have not gotten around to making a fonts folder yet :-). I hope this helps everyone!!

IMPORTANT: You must have ImageMagick installed for the shell script to work!!
Folder Icons v2.00

Now in blue!! :-)
Let me know what other colors you want.
Folder Icons v2.01

New Colors!!
Blush Red
Stainless Steel
Ninja Turtle Green
Folder Icons v2.01

Sorry, I think I posted the wrong file to the file share site. I wish someone would have mentioned that to me. :-)

Ratings & Comments



I Googled for KDE folder icon and found yours. I just copied the picture and renamed it as a png. It works perfectly. Thank you. Jan


These are very nice. I like them better than the Oxygen folders. You have a good balance between making them detailed, having them look realistic, and having them easy to see. Too much detail makes icons hard to see in small sizes, yet most users want realistic looking icons. The 16x16s could use a little more optimization. It is more important to be able to see them than to have them exactly match the gradients and shading of the larger sizes. You may find that in some cases, it is better not to AA the fonts and/or you may need to use more contrast. A technical suggestion: It is a good idea to have a space around the image in the larger sizes, but there should be less space in the small sizes. In the case of you icons this would apply only to the width. So, I would suggest that the 32x32 only have on pixel on each side of the folder and in 16x16 that the folder should be the full 16 pixels wide. The reason for this is that with a 16x16 icon not using 2 pixels of width is a lot to waste. I also notice that your Manila is a much different color than mine which is 255, 220, 168. Also, you really only need to make 16x16, 22x22, 24x24, 32x32, & 48x48 if you also make an SVG formated at 128x128 pixels. 32x32 & 48x48 are optional and only needed if the scaled SVG doesn't look good enough. This didn't used to work but I found this week that the bug in KDE has been fixed and it will use the SVG and scale it if there is no PNG of the requested size. So, you can try to learn InkScape as your next project. :-)


We haven't enough! We want more icons! Folder_open for example... I'm sad seeing you aren't posting anything new... :-)


For your excellent work and patience. As I said before colours that could be useful are: red, orange, grey, black, green, purple.


No problem!! :-) Thanks for your great suggestions. It's people like you that take the time to leave meaningful comments that make this all worthwhile.


Different colors please. Blue would be a good starting place.


Your wish is granted.


Thanks for the icons. They are very nice.


Good work . I like your folder icons , but I think they are not complete ;-) we need more folders : a folder for root ( perhaps in red ) ; a plane folder ; a folder for pictures ; a folder for games ; a folder for downloads ; a folder for home ; a folder for temp ; a folder for programs ; a folder for e-mails ; a folder "system" . for Kmail we need : a folder for mail in , mail out , sent mail . Keep on working , your work is great .


Thanks!! OK, those are some good ideas for additional folders. So far I've been stuffing the folders with things and I think that looks good, but it may be confusing further down the road. The stuff inside the folders might now be as easily visible so I'm toying with the idea of putting some of the "contents" on the outside of the folders. What do you think?


I think your icons are really beautiful, please continue on doing other content-specific folder icons.


Thanks!! :-) Are there any particular folder types you would like to see? Right now the set contains a plain folder, a document folder, a music folder, a picture folder and a video folder.


I'd like to see icon for: directory locked, print folder, public folder, different colour folder (red, black, green, blue, orange, grey)...


The first thing is that I remembered another folder icon I'd like to see: fonts folder. The second one is about file names: usually other icon-themes give their nime like this: folder_image.png rather than image_folder.png. If you rename your theme files it could be more easy to substitute your icons in a yet made theme. Another thing is about icon dimensions: the dim. you've chosen aren't the all possible and in this case I can't use always your icons; could you distribute only big size icon with a script to redimension them? I tried one konq.-plugin but it doesn't work...


I did another build just for you!! I'll get the font folder into the next release. :-)

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version v2.01
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