Description: I've decided to redesign FaenK icons from the beggining, making them a little bit less colorful than Faenza, but more clean, eyecandy and coherent, getting rid of all Gaussian blurs and crap like that (thinking of compatibility with QtSvg, Karbon and faster rasterization).
But it will take many time to complete it. So I decided to share some of the work done yet, a set of folders that will be included within FaenK.
Includes 3 different flavors (black, blue & gray). You can use them alongside with Faenza, KFaenza, Faenza-Cupertino (or whatever Faenza port), or Oxygen icons, or whatever icon theme.
Extract the flavor you want in ~/.kde4/share/icons/ and select it in Systemsettings.
I hope you like them. If you have donations, suggestions, problems, insults or whatever just let me know. I would appreciate all feedback. FaenK wants a new name. Suggestions are very welcome!
Ratings & Comments
9 Where is Acidrums4? His account at Deviantart is closed. This is a great icon set. I hope it gets updated.
Great icons,
Great icons, thank you for sharing :)
You're welcome!
Thank you for sharing! Just one request: could you add some matching distro logos to use as menu button?
Of course, actually I'm working on them right now.