This is an Opera icon I made to fit with Everaldo's Crystal Project iconset, available at done in Xara Xtreme.P.S.: Before anyone asks (I would [:P]):* Window decoration: Polyester;* Widget style: Domino;* Icons: a merge between the Crystal Project available here (see above) and the set available at the Freespire repositories;* Font: Myriad Web.P.P.S.: In the event that someone wants the color scheme or the Domino config file, I can upload it.
Ratings & Comments
The icon is very sweet :) Can you please uploade the color-scheme and domino-config?
Thanks a lot! I'll be sure to upload them as soon as I can... perhaps tonight (I'm at -0300GMT, be patient. ^_^).
Alright, done: please check ...and thanks again!