Lila icon set

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Here’s another small update to our quite comprehensive KDE version of the Lila icon set. That's because I decided to postpone renaming the icons to conform to the Tango icon naming specification, until KDE has switched to it.

The Lila theme is based on SVG vector graphics, which also makes it possible to regenerate the icons in other colors than the original purple ones. Its KDE version currently features over 700 icons, even if there's still a long way to go to reach Danny Allen's Monochrome icons

There are five packages, one with original Lila colors and three other ones in different color schemes (blue, red and white). The SVG sources are primarily available from our Subversion server, but are also provided as a tarball here.

Although the KDE version of the cross-desktop Lila icon set is, in theory, only one out of many, the other versions are currently dead due to lack of developers. We appreciate every new icon, as well as help with packaging or creation of new themes. If you want to help or learn more about the Lila theme, you're invited to visit our home page where we also provide forums, more screenshots and drawing guidelines.

To install one of the pre-rendered PNG versions, just unpack the folder inside the archive to /usr/share/icons/ (if you want them accessible for all users) or to ~/.kde/share/icons/ (if you want them just for yourself), then choose the icon set in the control center.

To render and install the SVG source package, open a terminal in the extracted folder and execute './ --install'.
Last changelog:

This release concentrates on making the icons used by KMail/Kontact and Amarok more complete. (In order to get Amarok to show the icons, you have to seperately disable the "Use custom icon theme" option in Amarok's Appearance settings, in addition to selecting the icon set.)

Also enjoy new application icons for Wine, KGpg and Wireless Assistant.

In addition to the icon additions, we now have a package just containing the SVG source files, for those who want to tinker with the icons and don't like SVN. (It's also practical for people with little bandwidth, as the PNG icons can be generated with a simple script that's also inside the package.)

This is not such a big update than the previous ones were, but nevertheless should be enjoyable for many of you.
The most important KDE 3.5 icon gaps were filled, for example you get zoom-to-page and zoom-to-width icons now, and the KMenu's "Switch User" submenu is no more that awfully green. In addition to many detail improvements there are also a few new icons, most notably Konversation, Kile and (tada!) amaroK.

This will probably be the last lila-kde release, the plan is to migrate to the Tango icon naming specification which will most likely be adopted for KDE 4. But maybe I get to draw a few new icons till then and release another one though. Let's see.

For a more detailed track record of changes, see the ChangeLog file in the Subversion repository, available at

More completeness for Konqueror and a good number of new icons everywhere. Additionally, there's a new white color mod and no more Gentoo g-logos in important icons anymore, which is cool for people preferring other distros.

More changes in the ChangeLog file at .

Well, the KDE port has a new maintainer and countless new or modified icons. Most of them come from the GNOME set, but several main applications (Konqueror, Kontact, Kopete & Akregator) now have original KDE icons.

An accurate change log (since lila-kde 0.7.1) can be found at .

Ratings & Comments



Those icons are cool but they do not scale well. :( 1680 x 1050 (nx7000, wide screen) 16px is too small and icons get way too blurry. 22 in some cases is OK and at 32, icons look clear but are way too big. :) Any plans to use SVG?


Erm, you know... we are using SVG. All of the icons are developed with and available in SVG format, and afterwards transformed to PNG with Inkscape. You're right, many of the icons don't perfectly scale down to 16x16, but using SVG obviously doesn't help in this case. We'd rather need specialized lo-res versions of the SVG files, but currently lack the infrastructure to incorporate different source files into the same icon set. The reason that we're still distributing the icons as PNG is the lacking SVG icon engine of KDE 3. Anyways, I really need to provide a tarball with the SVG files here, otherwise many people won't notice that this is in fact a real SVG theme.


looks like a problem with the berlios mysqlbase.. ?


oops, sorry for repeating myself . i meant.. looks like a longer downtime ;(


hm... this is not good. I really hope this is a transient error, because I have little knowledge about how the forum works and how to fix it in case it's broken :( ...rezza, 9-speed, where are you!


subject tells it all.


forum is down again!!! where can i download this set? thanks ez


I don't know what BerliOS is messing up so that the forum goes up and down all of the time. Obviously, it's not an error on our side, so I won't bother anymore with the forum being down or not - and hey, we got this comment section as well, so... However, the forum has little to do with the rest of our home page. It seems the whole BerliOS site is down at the moment, which is baaad... but I'm sure they'll work it out, like get some more equipment and stuff, and then you can download the theme like always, with the download links on this page or on the downloads page on the Lila site.


thanks jpetso!


mySQL error: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (146) mySQL error code: Date: Wednesday 19th of April 2006 11:13:49 PM i get this one above the whole day over. looks like a berlios problem?


Right, that should be a BerliOS problem. I experienced that one a couple of times already, although I think those didn't last too long. Let's try again tomorrow and see if the forums work again then.


... if you have any plans to add green to this already wonderful iconset? I have all the colours and use them with different wallpapers. I could really make great use of the green set, too. Keep up the great work!


We currently don't have a green set, although more colors would certainly be cool. (I'd really like to have orange and crystal color mods.) If you'd like to help create a green mod, please contact me by mail and I'll explain how to do it. (Creating a color mod is essentially just editing a text file containing the colors, the more difficult part is only getting the icons and the svgutils from the development repository to be able to generate the mod.)


btw.. some icons are missing in lila-red.. for example the SPAM and HAM button in kmail (they are still green). also in knode, folow-up to newsgroup is still green. would be nice if you add those if time permits ;) btw: KDE 3.5.2 here


Right, I know that the "ham" and "spam" ones are missing, although I haven't investigated yet what their names are (they're application specific icons and more difficult to retrieve, but I'll work it out). Adding icons is work in progress, I'll see what I can do for those you mentioned.


well, no hurry ;) i was just wondering if i should report somewhere if i find missng (well, unconverted) icons. could be a little difficullt here on kde-look. do you have a forum or something? i would be glad to help out.

hds aha ;) i´ll register there. thx


thanks very much, maybe I won't have to deprecate the Gentoo ebuilds after all! I uploaded a new overlay, updated the liladdiction script so that it could possibly work, and tried to make a proper signature (which at least verifies on my system). Could you please check if the liladdiction script works now and if the signature verifies? I can't do the first anymore because I switched to Kubuntu and I'm not sure if I did signing the right way. Thanks for your help, let's keep the ebuilds going!


well, i dont know what the liladiction script actually is, but the ebuild worked fine for me. just emerge lila and lila-red. thx!


So there are no ebuilds for the current release I created them:


Really nice icons! Keep it up!


thanks, I'm glad you like them!


It's hard to do not like it. ;-)




nice job!

0 Affiliates
version 0.8.3
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 3

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