Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Installation instructions
1: Install YaST2 Themeselector module
[daemon] wrote a very nice themeselector module for YaST2 during Hackweek II. Click on the link below for 1-click-install.
2: Install yast2-theme-oxygen
Now install the icon theme itself. Click on the link below for 1-click-install.
Alternatively download the RPM below and install with 'rpm -Uhv [/path/to/yast2-oxygen-theme.rpm]' in root terminal.
3: Select Oxygen theme
After installing the themeselector and the icon theme, start YaST2, open the themeselector module under Miscellaneous, select Oxygen theme, restart YaST2.
Write comments below, or contact me (cb400f) via IRC in #opensuse-kde @ Freenode.
The Oxygen artists for creating great icons and giving the freedom to redistributeTango artists, quite a few Tango icons have been kept afterallMarco "daemon" Michna for writing the great YaST2 themeselector module Martin "localhorst" Lasarsch for initially packaging the icon themegpant for providing some great YaST2 Software icons.
Also see http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/SaX2-theme-Oxygen?content=74971
May 22, 2008
Various improvementsMay 14, 2008
A bunch of additional polishMay 13, 2008
A huge amount of changes. Whereas previous releases were a selection of icons from the Oxygen project, this release is a remix of Oxygen icons, making them more adapted for the specific purpose. (This is a "pre-release" of what will be the default on openSUSE 11.0 for KDE users btw.)February 18, 2008
Some polish, mainly using square left pane icons to avoid pixelating, new sw_single icon by gpant. Packaged to work with [daemon]'s Themeselector YaST2 module.February 4, 2008
Initial release. Lacks testing and polish.
Ratings & Comments
Great, just great, too awesome for words!!
This is really great! Works perfectly, hope comes with openSUSE 11!
wow... I've been waiting for this for soo long! too bad I've switched to kubuntu recently :-(