Currently using Mosfet liqud, Keramik window decoration, Crystal icons (whit addons) and MaxOSX color cheet.
Look's nice dosen't it?
First time I have ever cared about the layot

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Ratings & Comments
im sorry but this desktop is horribly thrown together. next time try a more solid theme have everything matching or at least complimenting each other. xmms/windec/style/icons/etc i see nothing new different. or tasteful in this shot.
I hoped to get some creative input like that. As I said, this is my first try of making a *nice* desktop. I was bounded to wintendo until a few months ago, I still did using Linux as much as I could, but didn't really care about GUI before I found I have been watched other's desktop, and tried to make a nice one of my own, I am a programmer and a good one, but I sure the hell sux at GUI/interfaces/graphics etc. lol So any suggestions will be taken whit open hands :)
i was going to say something about how it looks like an engineers desktop. or something of the sort. just think of it as a living space... now you wouldnt go in a empty room and throw in a cool flat screen HDTV with a 70's puke green couch from goodwill and some futuristic lights with a wood floor. it would look terrible. just stick to a theme and carry it through everthing. no in betweens and it will look cool but you do a better job with your desktop then my co-worker (who is also a programmer) but he now just makes me hand over whatever look im using on my box to him (changes from month to month)
Well, I think it's a little to easy jus't to get handed a theme all the time ;) You should see my apartment, nothing fits here either!! :D I think I got it know. Brown cough'es from the 70's and a 40 inches Wide screen don't fit!
jesus my analogies are awful. and even worse when im tired
hmm can you send me the dlls please ? and what is this for a icon set in Licq looks very nice ! martin.
Should I mail them to you'r email in you'r profile? I am using a Miranda32 rip skin and icons :)
...what i really want to know is how you got KaZaa to work. I've tried installing it using wine without success. Thought I'd need internet explorer, but couldn't get that installed either. Any tips?
Well I installed Winex 2.1 and followed the instructions on -> If you want the .dll files, I can email them you or something ? :)
I meaned ->
cheers! about the dll's: i'll rip them from a Win98 installation somewhere. thanks again!
let me know if it worked :)
check out this site and find any dll you need from any win installion (well 95,98,98se,me) ... thought i'd try to help you out cuz it took me AGES to find those f*cking dll's! -- NOFX Junkee