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Here's a screenie for those of you who are interested in the new 3.2. There are several new applications in this version, some of which can be seen on the overhauled K Menu.

Any panel can host the Qt app menus hence the shot with KWeather and the systray all in the same panel as the menu.

Kicker can also be transparent but that can cause problems with a Mac-style menu bar.

You can also add close buttons on each Konqueror tab. Konqy is also much faster in 3.2 in both startup and rendering. The Window List menu has also been overhauled and Konqy has short context menus now.
Last changelog:

9/25: The third shot shows the new MKULtra windec as well as the improved menu transparency function. Also notice the text Konqueror is being automatically spell-checked.

You can also see the taskbar icon for KWallet. Konqueror can finally remember your passwords!

The sidebar has also been revised. to tell you what the active tab is by displaying its name.

9/22: I added a second shot showing the smaller Konqueror menus and desktop icon shadows.

Ratings & Comments



is mosfet's liquid style included in kde 3.2 by default?


kdemultimedia won't compile on my Debian box.


all i see is loonix, where's the BSD?


I am a BSD user as well, but I don't experiment a lot with my BSD machines--hence no KDE 3.2 shots from it Linux is good for cutting edge, BSD for stability.


Are you using Debian? How did you get the fonts to look so good?


It's really quite simple. Just download the latest version of FreeType2 and reinstall it. The problem w/most distros is that they enable ft's bytecode interepreter which is good if you do not like certain font sizes to be antialiased. However, most fonts are not very well hinted and thus when you get to the larger or smaller sizes, they get distorted (i.e. look bolder, etc.) when they are antialiased. If, however, you prefer all fonts to be antialised, leaving FT's default settings work wonderfully. You also have to pick good fonts such as Andale Mono, NewsGoth, Classical Garamond, etc. Most of the MS Truetype fonts are not coded too well imho.


You still cant make the taskbar transparent to my knowledge :-( Also, the style I'm using is Plastik which is now part of KDE CVS.


It's in the 'Configure Panel' -> Appearance -> 'Advanced' options dialog.


Ow, sh!t.. I was blindly replying without really reading the post.. taskbar is something different than a whole panel.. Sorry for the useless blabbing.


There are so many cool things planned for it, I jsut looked at the developers feature plan and it's HUGE!! Now on another note, where is Mosfet? I loved his software and reading his wesite was also nice. I hope nothing bad happened to him.


Since we're talking about KDE 3.2 here, does someone know how I can get back those nifty desktop shadows? (behind the text under the desktop icons, that is) There used to be some way to make them all nice and behaving like real and smooth drop shadows, but the currently (at least, in my cvs version) there's only one 'option', and that's this silly outline. (I've been fiddling a bit in some config files but I can't seem to get the right values)


could you also upload a screenshot showing kicker with "simple clock" (or digital) and taskbar with a nice kicker-background ? in addition, how about the font shadow on the desktop icons now? and "some" kontext-menus would be nice too :) how is the kmail (if you use it) systray icon ? subscribing to imap-folders also work fine ? any other changes in configuration dialogs ? :)

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