Installing this style very easy! Below you find several ways to install it... Hopefully one of them is to your likings

- OPTION 1: the 'easy' way -
Go to Kopete -> Settings -> Configure Kopete -> Appearance -> ChatWindow -> click "Import" button
Fill in this URL for kONE:
click OK, and there it is. To get rid of the shitty name you can 'Copy' it to a different name and then 'Delete' the original.
- OPTION 2: the generic way -
click the download link on this site and put the file in:
- OPTION 3: the console way -
just copy paste this -- as one line -- to your console and all should work well:
mkdir -p ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/styles/ && wget -O ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/styles/kONE.xsl
Ratings & Comments
hey! this is really great; i like it a lot! i'd thought for a long time that Kopete was a very ugly application, and didn't think to look for themes for it ... but then i found this one, and i like kopete itself better. (i know, it's shallow to judge a program by its looks, but ... ^^; ) anyway, thank you!! haha.
My main motivation to make this themes was exactly the same. I was encountered kopete too ugly. Now, things has been changed. Isn't? :-) Thanks for the comment.
m'encanta el tema :D
I a mi, llastima que ja no l'uso ja que faig servir kopete 0.12 que fa servir unaltre format de temes. Ara es pot dir que aquesta versio del tema la tinc oblidada i estic treballant amb la versio de kopete 0.12. Gracies per el comentari! :-)
tu español no se entiende una mierda chingao
Las veces que lo hablo, como ahora, no es español si no Castellano. Pero enfin... sin comentarios. ;-) Te gustó el tema o no?
si, muy bueno
I registered an account here just so I can ask what your theme setup is shown in the screenshots. It's exactly what I have been looking for! If you can please take a couple of minutes to let me know what you are using, that would be great! -QT Theme (looks like a variant of Lipstik??) -Font -Color Scheme -Window decoration (Crystal??) Thank you so much - I love your Kopete theme too! :)
Ok, easy. first of all, I'm in Gentoo and some themes are builded using ebuilds found here, at kde-look. * The Qt theme used is QtCurve (really good one). You can find it at Play with configuration options to match my setup. ;-) * Window decoration theme is Crystal. Again, configuring-it you can match my setup or, improve it as your eyes. * Color scheme i using is my own, i recomend you to take a few minutes to make your own. I used as base point the lipstik white to start tuning as may preferences. * Font I use in kopete chat window is "Trebuchet MS". Size is quite big, but just in kopete. For the rest of interface i usually use Arial, that is plain and beauty. Thats all. Thanks for the comments and if you want more, send-me an e-mail at hello AT kanutron DOT net.
Thank you for the nice theme.
Is it possible to hide the contacts pic at all (preferably by default) with this theme? I really like it, just hate to waste monitor space.
Of course. I can do a variant of kONE without pics. But, I recommend you to wait a bit to next release of kopete. Themes for upcoming kopete has the avility to provide variants. I'm working on kONE for kopete 0.12 and in this version of kONE there are two variants without pics. If you can't wait, I'll upload a variant here. ;-)
I can wait. It is still better designed the actual client from MS IMHO. Peace.
Great subject, but I have a "long" nickname so I cant see first two letters. Besides that pretty cool stuff.
hey hey, download link is not working...i tried Firefox n Konqueror both....instead of download, source page is shown...plz fix the link.
It works for me. Try to go to and then "save the page as"... Use the saved file as the theme.
It works for me. Try to go to and then "save the page as"... Use the saved file as the theme.
oh to got success. Thanks a lot by the way for the theme...looks quite good...n most importantly it is able to display both the pics...mine+my friend...good work.
i like the style, however i'm used to see time of the message....could you make that posible, or just tell me where to put the lines needed for it? plssss
ouuuuuu....sorry....i didn't notice the time on the right side....realy sorry !!!
at last:) thanks for your efforts for this "the best" style.
very great style. but is it possible to solve the problem, that non quadratic pictures are distorted?
Can you send-me a shot of the problem? It will help me to known the real reason of the distortion. :-) Use my private e-mail: hello AT kanutron DOT net.
Yeah, the aspect ratio isn't preserved. If possible, you should probably set a maxwidth and let the height be determined from that. My fat friends look skinny, and my skinny friends look fat. =]