Bubbliki chat style
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Time for each message and name of the chatting person shows up when you hover above the element....
Colors of bubbles can be changed through 14 preset variants. Random-color-per-user, Kopete-specific variant is also available. Beware, Kopete has poor sense of taste! Hence, the variant is called "Psycho User Colors"....
There is also an IRC-oriented variant ("Psycho User Colors Names Always On Status Hidden"), in which all the annoying status messages are hidden and names are displayed permanently....
Chat background color can also be changed (unfortunately only with script that requires ImageMagic's "convert"). Go into the "sources" folder (~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/styles/Bubbliki/Contents/Resources/sources) and run "sh ./colorize.sh" for usage examples. Sorry for inconvenience....
Bubbly-looking style disappeared after switch to Kopete 12.x series, so, I had to get it back in some form. This style is inspired by iChat bubbles and great pastel colors of other Adium chat styles....
For latest version search for "bubbliki" on kde-look.org
1.6 Correcting mistakes
- By mistake disabled showing all buddy icons in v 1.5. Sorry, very sorry. This is fixed now, again, user icon (when provided) shows next to their bubble.
1.5 IRC - oriented improvements
- New IRC-oriented variant "Psycho User Colors Names Always On Status Hidden" that assigns random color to each speaker, displays names always and hides status messages
- Reenabled highlighting of the bubble when your name/nick is mentioned.
- Moved user names down so that long user names don't break format.
- Bubble sides no longer collapse when message contains long_unbreakable.words/like/this.one.
- added "Names always show" theme ("Psycho User Colors Names Always On") for IRC-friendly viewing.
- Added a method of changing the background.
- no other visible changes.
- Added new variant "Psycho User Colors" - where Kopete picks semi-random color for each chat participant.
- Shortened the time display to make it easier to select the message text.
- changed the bubbles slightly to more "embossed" style.
- added better spacing to status messages.
Ratings & Comments
I like this skin but one thing annoys me very much: every time I copy some text out of the chat window the message time pops in when my mouse hovers over the bubble. Furthermore the time will even not go away when the mouse leaves the window so reading is very much difficult, especially when the bubble takes 100% of the window, so basically there's no way for the mouse to not be inside the bubble. Some hints where I can change that without completely removing the time stamp?
Hmm... re: time bubble hovering on top: No easy answer here... I dont remember this anymore, but I think JS is no longer supported. So, moving the time hover bubble away from mouse through scripting is not really an option. You can: - remove the time alltogether, - make it a permanent part of the message. (Now it's an absolute, floating div. Just remove the absolute argument) - add it to some other div for hover-activation, so that you would need to point to some clock icon in the beginning of text for it to hover, for example. The last options is the most presentable, perhaps. Email or message me how you would like it to work. I really don't see a good clean solution here, short for littering the chat window with extra permanent elements.
I really like this style, but something bothers me a lot about it - for some reason it's the only Kopete style that I use that doesn't use the same size of font that I have set. Basically the font in Bubbliki is almost twice as big as my normal font ...which you can imagine makes it fairly annoying. I would really appreciate it, if you could fix this (or at least tell me how to).
Hmm... The style does not change the font size. It actually uses the KDE default style and size - one of the few styles that don't mess with that. The main text font is 100% of default text size, and all the status messages are set to percentage of the size (between 60% and 80%). There is not a single line anywhere that actually gives a numeric size or overrides system defaults. Try changing the font in the Kopete's settings first, if it doesn't help, play with KDE's system-wide settings.
Sorry for the false alarm — I figured it out by accident. It seems I was running fonts in Kopete at more then 100%. I just used ctrl+scrool_wheel to scale it down again. My bad.
Hello. I generally use those rectangular pictures from kaddressbook for buddy icons, but this style squishes them to be squares. Is there a way to have the style preserve the image's proportions?
A very good point, but... :) 1. The style requires some hard-assigned values for proper rendering of bubble tables, but 2. The only way to get the values out of the image dynamically and hard-assign them is with JavaScript, which is intentionally NOT implemented into Kopete for fear of security issues. 3. Images taller than 32 pixels leave huge spaces under bubbles - may be a visual problem. I highly encourage you (anyone) to try tweaking the CSS file. It has the width and height of the image hard-assigned. Change it so something else, see how it works. Message me if you find a good combination.
I like it, its simple and pleasant. Nice selection of variations too.
Thx for comment. I would hope you'd tell more. :) I am really looking forward to requests and ideas of MINOR tweaks like "That status text color is a bit off, I can't see it well on my bad LCD." I am rather done with major layout (pushed KHTML as far as it can go) but would like to perfect the skin a bit more and critical feedback is welcome.
hi thanx for the theme. could you make the bubble images's background transparent instead of white ? thanks
could you make the bubble images's background transparent instead of white ? I think I understand what you are trying to do - hack in your own background. Unfortunately, due to a design decision, the outter portion of the bubble HAS to be a solid color because the color of the bubble is color of the background behind the images. Fortunately, I provided the sources of the image and the script for splitting it in the "sources" folder. If you really want to change the color of the background outside of bubbles, just change the background layer color in the source and re-cut the image. If you are having a problem, write to me. My address is on the profile page. Good luck.
could you make the bubble images's background transparent instead of white ? Alternatively, try Renkoo Adium style. It has pre-fabricated set of color bubbles with transparent outter areas - you can change the color of the background on it. Unfortunately, you can't really redistribute Renkoo - the images are taken from a commercial project and they can't decide what license they want to assign to it. (I asked) http://www.adiumxtras.com/index.php?a=xtras&xtra_id=2160
Just a note, the Renkoo style (graphics/html/css) have been open sourced under the BSD and AFL license. Check it out! :) http://adiumxtras.com/index.php?a=xtras&xtra_id=2160