Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
While I personally like the dark chaos style series, which are available for a lot of applications, I was always missing such a style for KDE. The GTK imported style does not work, so I've created this color scheme and tried to create a common look and feel as good as possible.
There are two different schemes in the tar.gz:
- Khaos - Light Background (Screenshot 1).
- Khaos - Dark Background (Screenshot 2)
The version with the dark background looks IMO much better but if you use Konqueror for web browsing, you will get white text on white background on some pages which set the background color, but not the foreground color. Well, if you use Mozilla for web browsing use the dark background version.
Copy the files khaos.kcsrc and khaos_dark.kcsrc to
Copy the file Khaos.schema to ~/.kde2/share/apps/konsole (more in the README file). Last changelog:
There are two different schemes in the tar.gz:
- Khaos - Light Background (Screenshot 1).
- Khaos - Dark Background (Screenshot 2)
The version with the dark background looks IMO much better but if you use Konqueror for web browsing, you will get white text on white background on some pages which set the background color, but not the foreground color. Well, if you use Mozilla for web browsing use the dark background version.
Copy the files khaos.kcsrc and khaos_dark.kcsrc to
Copy the file Khaos.schema to ~/.kde2/share/apps/konsole (more in the README file).
03/29/02: Konsole schema file was missing. Added.
11/18/01: Added second version with dark window background. File is now a tar.gz.
02/01/02: Added a schema for the konsole.
Ratings & Comments
but I can't get khaos_dark.kcsrc to work. I've copied them both to ~/.kde/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes/, but only khaos.kcsrc shows up under KDE Control Center. KDE also reports that the file type for khaos_dark.kcsrc is 'unknown', which should not be.
I've downloaded the file from KDE-Look and installed it again. No problems at all. I can't reproduce it. Please check if ~/.kde is the correct directory. On some distributions it must be ~/.kde2. You can also try to install it globally by copying the files to /opt/kde2/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes.
What is that cool external pager you are running?
It's the pager from Enlightenment. Sorry, this won't help you, if you don't want to switch entirely to Enlightenment, since KDE does not work well with Enlightenment. I'm really missing this pager in KDE.
So, does anyone know if there's support in the KDE window manager to make something like that? I think I remember the KDE pager having some stuff like that when it was in beta stage. It shouldn't be too much work to make a test version... (would be cool)
Try Kpager. Although it's not as good as the Enlightenment Pager, this one is pretty close to it.
This is close, but it has a few bizare bugs. 1.First of all you cant' actually drag maximized windows between desktops. 2.When windows are dragged they don't moved until you release them. 3. This actually behaves sluggish on my athlon 1.33?!? Anyone who wants to look into it?!? =)
[quote] The version with the dark background looks IMO much better but if you use Konqueror for web browsing, you will get white text on white background on some pages which set the background color, but not the foreground color.[/quote] konqueror allows to use user-defined stylesheet. just make one for the foreground. Konqueror --> settings --> stylesheets --> use user-defined stylesheet: make a stylesheet like this body,th,td,ul,li,div,p,pre,span {color: #000000;} and you are set...
...Yes, I've already tried this. But if you use your own style sheet it overwrites all site settings. What I want is konqueror to use a certain text color if no other text color has been specified by the web designer.