Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.1.2 is just a hotfix-release for 0.1.1. There was a segfault, when you clicked on links the second time, no segfaults shall remain.
0.1.1 is the second release. There are many improvements over the first release and many fixed bugs. This version was tested with the latest Qt3 and gcc4.0.3.
I'd like people to send me screenshots, since I'm quite lazy at doing good ones.
- Export dialog
- Plaintext
- Improved saving
- Backup functionality
- Improved printing
- Refresh filter button
- Nicer configuration
- Different deadline warning types
- Deadline dialog
- User defined command
- Change of trayicon
- Shortcuts for all important operations
- everything can be handled with the keyboard
- The help dialog shows at least the shortcuts
- You can manually indent items
- You can switch between languages
- currently only English and German
- The todo-menu button can be disabled
- Forked QDateEdit and QTimeEdit to squeeze some
bugs and achieve maximum integration
- Improved the undo-functionality a lot
- New selection concept, items are now selected, by
clicking on the head. Copy and cut dialogs are gone.
- A quick deadline overview, when you put the mouse
over the trayicon
- More fine-grained control over the look of todo-items.
- Valorized many dialogs with icons.
- Select all/Deselect all
- Better deadline dialog
- You can print
- New practical menu on right click
- Dialog goes out of the user's way to make items visible.
- Rewritten timepicker
- Rich-Text support
- link support
- Various bug-fixes
Ratings & Comments
Would be nice if qtdodo remembered the filter settings after restarting.
Just to let you know, proper PKGBUILD is available for Archlinux users in AUR (aur.archlinux.org)
Can someone please create a .deb package from this. I'd really like to use this software but I can't get it compiled and my know how isn't good enought to get past of all those compile errors I get by running make on my distribution :-(
Hey I love your app. It's just perfect:) But I would like to see some options (if you have time to implement them); - QTodo should run only once (like amaroK - if you try to run second instance app will un-minimize) - it should have command-line option to run only in tray so user can put link in Autostart and QTodo will run on startup but only tray icon will be shown. Anyway, great work!!!
can this tools sync with palm/wince?
hi, thanks for this nice application. this help me for manage my application :) best regards/kinds lfrek
A SlackWare TGz package with SlackBuild Script is Ready to DownLoad!!! http://www.slacky.it/ http://www.slacky.it/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=1&func=fileinfo&filecatid=958&parent=category
Hi ! A SuSE RPM is avaible : Website >> http://www.animweb-fr.com/SuSE/rpm/Qtodo-0-1.2.i386.rpm Direct link >> www.animweb-fr.com/SuSE
The link from this site or the qtodo.berlios.de site do not work. Only http://prdownload.berlios.de/qtodo/qtodo-0.1.2.tar.gz works. (But do not right-click the above link, it leads to a HTML page -- a list of mirrors.)
Thanks for great app, works nice on my Gentoo64.
How did you get this to compile on Gentoo? I have an AMD64 and it errors out for me. Got an ebuild to share?
Nah, installed without ebuild. Just $ qmake $ make # make install Just problems with Qt4 installed, because it's in /usr prefix, so QTodo thought he'll need this :-) but that was not happy decision. After uninstall Qt4 (because I don't need it for now) it was OK.
Btw, on ~amd64 system BUT w/o gcc4. It compiles for me w/ 3.4.5.
Someone compiled it for the sharp-zaurus running pdaXrom. Now i've got a todo-list-manager in my pocket. Fantastic app, keep up the good work, Chero. http://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?s=38c6b97d32885976b2b9f4ae6324ab78&showtopic=17346
I'd love to package this for debian/ubuntu - I've started work already - Just to let you know you can contact me on mez@ubuntu.com - I did try emailing you about this - but to no avail :D
That's great news! Please try sending me mails again, I hope it'll work out correctly this time. Greetz...
This is a great app! I do a lot of volunteer work and have to divide tasks between many people. This qtodo list not only allows me to assign a task to a person it sets the deadline for it. qtodo is a little more than just a simple todo list, (not that it couldn't be used as such), so I would recommend the creation of a howto manual. If you don't mind a few hundred questions, I would be happy to help you create one. Then you would just need to find translators. Thanks for the app, this is what I was looking for.
Thank you very much! After a long time of work hearing compliments about your baby is the best thing that can happen. I appreciate your offer to help with documentation, I suggest that you just begin with it and send the results to me. I'll also setup a mailing-list soon. Greetz...
You're welcome. I'll start a basic use manual soon.
http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=10020 Something you can compare your app to.