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Webarok is a web based frontend / remote control for Amarok 2.

It is not an Amarok script but a separate program. Its starts its own simple web server and connects to Amarok via dbus.

This is still a early public release, so bugs and rough edges are most likely part of it ;-)

Webarok supports themes and includes up to now 3 themes:

The black default theme showing all information at once, a nearly identical theme but with a transparent background and a tabbed theme for smaller screens like netbooks or even mobile devices.
Last changelog:

- Czech translation

- translation support:
included translations:
- English
- German

- new default theme: phone
- seek funcionality: click somewhere on the progressbar to jump to any position within the current track.
support only in the new default theme
- search funcionality: search Amarok collection if stored in a standalone MySQL server
- lyrics
- VLC support


- Bugfix: Album art URL contains spaces
- Bugfix: VolumeUp does not work


- webarok does not chrash on startup when Amarok is not running
- Visual enhancements like time formatting, progress bar and some layout changes suggestet by khaytsus
- better playlist handling to reduce neccessary request
- Amarok gets muted while stepping through the playlist
- Refresh rates are customizable

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Hi, how can I help to translate it to spanish? Best, -Martín


Hi, thanks for your interests in supporting webarok! First have a look here: Just take an existing translation, for example the english one (/webarok/lang/en.ini), copy it to es.ini and edit this file. That's all. When you're done, just send me this file and I will include it in a new release.


Translation Complete, UPLOADING BIP BIP ;) [webarok] artist = Artista album = Album track = Título duration = Duración main = Principal playlist = Lista de reproducción lyrics = Letras search = Búsqueda status = Estado loading = Cargando settings = Opciones opt_autorefresh = Opciones de autorrefresco autorefresh_volume = Autorrefrescar volúmen cada autorefresh_progress = Autorrefrescar barra de progreso cada autorefresh_status = Autorrefrescar estado cada autorefresh_playlist = Autorrefrescar lista de reproducción cada about = Acerca de the_playlist = Lista de reproducción no_result = No hay coincidencias search_with_mysql = La búsqueda sólo funciona con Amarok y el servidor externo MySQL activado. tracks = Títulos artists = Artista all = Todo trans_search_button = Búsqueda trans_no_lyrics = No se encontró la letra de la canción. (Clickea para refrescar) refresh_data_button = Refrescar todo Everything double-checked for typo errors and so on. Thank you!


Hi, thanks for the translation. I just commited it to SVN. If you're using the svn version, you can just update and set the language to es in the configuration file. I will create a new release with this translation, but for now it doesn't look very good, since the tabs have a fixed width and the spanish words for playlist are quite long.


Mmm... I expected something like that. I'll see to fit translation when I come home later.


Hey would it be possible to make an iphone theme for webarok? It is quite dissapointing not to have a way to control Amarok through the iphone when you can do so with many music players. Thanks.


Hi, I have no iPhone so I can't make an iPhone optimized template, sorry. Generally it should be working with the netbook theme, or is the iPhone resolution so low that you can't recognize anything? Maybe you can send me some photos how the netbook theme looks on the iPhone and I can try to tweak the theme or create a new on based on these photos. But it's on my list, as soon as I get my Nokia N900, which will be availble soon hopefully, I'll start making a special mobile phone theme.


I think you will find useful this: I heard some comments about it and they say that it helps a lot when it comes to building an iphone compatible website, maybe if you take a look at it you will be able to make an iphone/ipod touch compatible theme for webarok. Thanks.


Thanks, I'll have a look on it.


Setting the path to $HOME/.kde(4)/share/apps/amarok/albumcovers doesn't help here, because my covers are in the (album-)directories of my collection. So I get the following error: Getting Art: file:///media/IOMEGA_HDD/Mucke/p/Paradise%20Lost/Icon/paradise_lost_icon.jpg /media/IOMEGA_HDD/Mucke/p/Paradise%20Lost/Icon/paradise_lost_icon.jpg file does not exist (It exists; and it shows up, if I paste the url into the browser) But nevertheless amarok remote is back! So thank you! m0nk


You should set thte path to "/media/IOMEGA_HDD/Mucke", then it should show the album art. If you don't care, you can even set it to an empty string, it is just a parameter to prevent webarok to grab any files from your whole system.


I've done that already, but the problem are the spaces in the path.


Just released a new version, which *should* fix this. Maybe you could tell me how to set up Amarok to use album art from the music folder. Does the picture need to follow a naming convention?


Nothing special, just put the cover image in the album's folder. Name doesn't matter, but it should be the only image there. m0nk


Recent svn works, btw.


I did a bit of tweaking to make it look a little nicer, although I'm NO web designer by any means.. Made the buttons smaller, album cover larger and below the metadata, removed the forced scrollbars from the playlist, etc.. If you want a screenshot or the minor changes I made let me know. I just tweaked static/default/index.html mainly. The position bar really needs to show time in M:S not ms, and I haven't seen disabling any of the autorefreshes actually do anything (such as disable the progress bar). Oh, and if Amarok exits, or isn't yet running, it really just needs to sleep and retry! Maybe hide all the "refresh" stuff, most users might tweak that then never want to see it again.


Hi, thanks for your feedback.It would be very kind if you send me your changes. I was never good in visual things, so I appreciate any help espicially on this part of the app. The position bar will be reworked completly. This simply overlay will be removed by a nice js widget. Then the formatting of the current position in the song will be changed as well. About stopping the refreshers: refreshing the current song includes refreshing some of the other things. So as long this one is enable, not many things will change. Or did any javascript error occur?


What I mean is if I uncheck to autorefresh progress, it still continues to update the progress. But sounds like you're reworking that part, so it'll probably get resolved. :)


Forgot to say: Sleeping on restart: definitly, but this is a first working release, so left this one out. If you do not wont to see the refresh setting it is possible making a tabbed view like the netbook theme, putting all the settings stuff in a different tab.


Made a new release and picked up some of your style suggestions. And webarok won't crash if Amarok is not running yet. Thanks for the input.


Really great program, only one thing I would like to see... Streaming music from local pc where amarok is playing to the pc where web page is opened. This of course would be optional :)


Thanks, but streaming media is not the focus of this project. It's a remote control for as many Amarok features as possible (which are not many since the quite limited features Amarok exposes via dbus compared to all the features Amarok has). If you're interested in streaming, look at ampache. It has a good web control and Amarok integration.


This is very nice and it's certainly appreciated by many Amarok users. However, please move it to a different category. "Amarok 2.0 Script" is strictly for true Amarok Scripts that work in the script manager. Non-conforming extensions would cause confusion if users try to run them as a script.


This is very nice and it's certainly appreciated by many Amarok users. However, please move it to a different category. "Amarok 2.0 Script" is strictly for true Amarok Scripts that work in the script manager. Non-conforming extensions would cause confusion if users try to run them as a script.


This is very nice and it's certainly appreciated by many Amarok users. However, please move it to a different category. "Amarok 2.0 Script" is strictly for true Amarok Scripts that work in the script manager. Non-conforming extensions would cause confusion if users try to run them as a script.

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version SVN R51
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