KHdRecord - Direct to Disk MP3 Recording

Audio Apps

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KHdRecord is an audio recorder can record soundfiles from a sound card directly to the harddisk. You can use it like a tape-recorder, and sample into wave or directly into MP3.

KHdRecord has great Performance, uses very less memory and harddisk space and is as feature rich as a Sound Recorder could get!!!

You won't find any other Sound Recorder in Linux/Unix which could even come closer to KHdRecord!!!

The program directly accesses the sound and the mixer device. If you use it as non-root, these devices must be accessible for the user. Because /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer are symbolic links on the most systems, the devices behind the links must be accessible.

Features: Advantages of KHdRecord over other so called sound recorders (e.g., KRec):
1. Can Record directly to MP3 (Precious time and disk space is saved)
2. Can Record directly to WAV (Precious time and disk space is saved)
3. Can Record direclty to OGG (Precious time and disk space is saved)
4. Can Record Playback (audio streams)
5. Very Small size, just 500KB
6. Easy to Configure (settings)
7. Easy to choose Output type.
8. Very neat interface (intuitive)
9. Just Works(tm)!!! as you've expected
10. Automatic File Numbering.
11. Can Split file in realtime(press split and a new file is created)
12. Can Split file as per Time duration (in sec)
13. Can do "Scheduled" Recording, see Record List (no need to wait for your program to start)
14. Can do "Scheduled" Stopping of current recording. (You are free to enjoy something else!)
15. can Adjust Recording Level
16. can adjust Master level
17. Analyze Mode to show the Recoding status (time left)!!!
18. Can Pause while Recording (good to skip commerical or unwanted audio)
19. Uses very Less CPU power
20. Uses very less Memory.
21. Can Record Real Media
22. Can Record Streaming MP3
23. Can Record MMS streams
24. Can Record Audio from Movie Playback.
25. Unlimited Recording (only limited by the Disk space)
26. Shows Volume Meter to better adjust sound volume for recording.
27. Totally Free - GPL License!!!
28. Can Record Skype Conversation!!!
29. Can record arts streams like 'artsrec' would do.

Recording Video's Audio, Streaming MP3, Real Streams, MMS Streams, etc. Streams from Amarok/noatun/real player/kaffeine/kmplayer etc. here are the steps:
a. Run KHdrecord before any sound application (to make sure that Sound Card is free (/dev/dsp))
b. So, start khdrecord from K->Multimedia->Direct-to-Disk Recording (KHdRecord)
c. run Amarok or Noatun etc. (open any Stream Real, or from
d. Press Record button on KHdRecord.
This is a SLACKWARE 10.x package:
To install in other Distros:

1. tar -zxvf *khdrecord*.tgz
2. cp opt/kde/bin/khdrecord /usr/bin
3. cp opt/kde/share/applnk/Multimedia/KHdRecord.desktop $KDEDIR/share/applnk/Multimedia
4. cp opt/kde/share/icons/default.kde/* $KDEDIR/share/icons/default.kde/
5. sync ; echo "to update kmenu"

We need to run 'artsd' with "Full Duplex"

1. run "kcmshell arts" (sound system)
2. click on Hardware tab
3. [x] enable Full Duplex
4. artsdsp -m khdrecord & ; echo "this starts khdrecord with arts sound+recording support ";
5. cd skype-; echo "goto the *skype folder* where the sounds etc are stored, so that *call ring* in skype works! "
6. artsdsp -m ./skype; echo "This starts skype with arts support (mic enabled) which allows skype to send streams to arts. "
5. Press 'Start' in khdrecord to start recording SKYPE conversation!!!

have fun!

More info:


Please NOTE:
I'm not the Author of the Program KHdRecord! I just compiled and made the shortcuts work!

I strongly feel that KHdRecord must be integrated into KDE, and 'krec' to be discarded for its numerous user unfriendliness!!!

krec - JustWon'tWork!(tm) certified!!!
Last changelog:

7.8-1: commented 'ARTSD' dependency, which allows to compile the program atleast in archlinux.
7.8 see homepage!
7.8-3 just added the icon in the package. No need to upgrade if you are happy with the current icon or no icon (in kmenu)
7.8-4 Made startup of KHdRecord smarter by checking whether artsd is running or not and, if yes then artsdsp -m khdrecord else simple 'khdrecord'!

Ratings & Comments



Please upgrade to use Qt5, not Linux similar software exist!


Please upgrade to use Qt4.


This is the best program which I ever seen. 10x 10Q and ... I can't explain :)


Very nice program, especially since it is not overloaded with features but focused on recording itself. I do however have a suggestion: Please add the possibility of setting the 'quality' setting for OGG so that we don't use fixed-bitrate. Thanks alot, keep up the nice work!


the best program to audio record. it has a good performance anche records a good sound. definitevely better than audacity!


NO not ok. Can you please provide sources with configure file. I tried the sources from your homepage but they are preconfigured and don't work here. They may work for your system but not for me.


There is a very minor glitch: Here are the steps to make the sources compile on other GNU/Linux systems, as this source was created by the author on SuSE Linux. Steps to make the sources work: 1. tar -zxvf KHdRecord.tar.gz 2. cd khdrecord 3. kwrite makefile 4. replace all '/opt/kde3' with '$(KDEDIR)' (without quotes) there will be 2 replacements. 5. save the makefile 6. make 7. ./KHdRecord (after compilation) Have fun!


g++ -O -c -DHAS_ARTSD -I /usr/qt/3/include -I/opt/kde3/include -I. -o main.o main.c -D_REENTRANT -D_POSIX_THREADS -D_POSIX_THREADS_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT In Datei, eingefügt von hdrecord.h:33, von main.c:33: audiorecorder.h:6:25: artsc/artsc.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden In file included from hdrecord.h:33, from main.c:33: audiorecorder.h:46: Fehler: »arts_stream_t« bezeichnet keinen Typ make: *** [main.o] Fehler 1 Can you provide a complete source package with configure file? I want to compile for an athlon-xp.


This is just Binary Package. Download Sources from the HOME Page, see "Homepage: Link" above, and click on the "Link". ok?

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version 7.8-1
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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