still very early development stage but usable to a certain extent.
contributions welcome

See for source...
the repository also contains a library, a standalone app and a plasma applet.
the library is the core of the plugin and the app is mostly intended for testing the library but works pretty well to manage tasks/todos.
the plasma applet is currently not very usable...
integration with redmine to manage issues is on the list of planned features.
Ratings & Comments
hey there, very nice to see quasi 3rd-party plugins comming up. Make sure to follow this, then once you are somewhat confident propose it to us for inclusion. I bet others find this useful as well. PS: akonadi integration might be nice, but maybe it's a bit overkill. if it would be a simple .xml file or similar it could be added to the project's source folder and shared between developers...
hi, nice, the kdevelop man himself ;) sorry for no updates in a quite long time, but i investigated the akonadi idea quite a bit and came to the conclusion that i want it! Quote:...if it would be a simple .xml file or similar it could be added to the project's source folder and shared between developers...
i thought that too and am already using it for at least one of my projects. nice side effect is that it is synced with the usual version control system (GIT)
i tried to find a way to get a project specific configuration but failed to find any.
care to give me a hint to point me in the right direction?
to everybody else: tell me if you are using it or like to use it if it just had feature xy... or i might think '...nobody else is using it so why bother improving it...'
Did you think about integration with Akonadi/KDEPIM? It would be great if I would have a Readmine-Akonadi-Ressource that takes care both for KOrganizer and my TODOs as well as at KDevelop for specific TODOs at my projects. IMHO that would allow a lot of overhead for synchronization etc. that Akonadi solves already in a very smooth way.
to use akonadi was my original intention, but i could not find any special ressources for todos but only calendar items in general. maybe i did not research it enough ;) i will look into that again! writing a redmine ressource for akonadi is certainly an interesting idea, i will definitly look into that too!
Afaik KOrganizer saves all its TODOs as events. But for more information I suggest the KDEPIM-mailing-list. Judging from some recent blogs ( it also should no be that hard to write a backend for Akonadi. At least using Akonadi avoids all kinds of trouble that relates to synchronization. Greetings, Andreas PS: Just heard from one of the ChiliProject guys (fork of Redmine): he suggests to use the REST-API for such a backend...
Hi, I quickly wrote an integration of redmine for akonadi : It's in very early stage and there is a lot of room for improvements, so feel free to fork ;)