Description: A graphical interface to Stanford's Folding@Home client. It monitors the progress of multiple clients and is capable of editing each client's settings. If you are OpenGL-enabled, you can also view the protein folded thusfar in 3D.
Precompiled executables are available for x86 machines using GTK-2.0 (like Debian Etch). Users with higher GTK versions or other systems can easily compile Folding@KDE for their platform.Last changelog:
2.0.0 initial release 2.0.1 KDE now also shows the icons properly 2.0.2 './configure' should work fine now
Elv13 you're right: Both Gnome and KDE have GUI-app guidelines which I both did not follow indeed.I didn't feel the need to follow them because the app is very, very small and simple.
Anderslund, altough you're right about the app not being a KDE-app by the definition stated above, I think you pathetically overreacted by giving me that reaction and bad score. Nevertheless, it's just how the forum works. Bad luck for me I suppose.
It is my personal experience that Linux users of whatever Desktop-environment still need to collect their apps from all camps (KDE/Gnome/X etc.) in order to have their full set of Windows-equivalent programs. The strict seperation of KDE- and Gnome-apps by the www.* or * forums is in general not aiding this quest.
You can run GTK apps on both Gnome and KDE desktop environment. And since applications added to don't show up on you would miss this application when searching on 'folding' for example. What is the definition of a KDE app anyway? One that is made with Qt?
anderslund, it is not a KDE apps. KDE apps use -qt-, kdelibs and follow KDE standard. You wrote a gnome apps using GTK so it have nothing to do here, that's the rules. Port it to KDElibs and then update it or let KDE user bury it until it goes bellow 30%.
Application that can run inside KDE are not automatically kde apps, they can be. Photoshop is not a kde apps even if I open it in KDE. Kde apps follow some guideline, somehting that gnome user don't seem to do. Every kde apps look and feel the same, configuration is similar from application to application, settings are managed the same way, toolbar show similar things in similar order, keyboard shortcut are the same and many other things. It is an other reason why only kde apps are kde apps.
Ratings & Comments
Elv13 you're right: Both Gnome and KDE have GUI-app guidelines which I both did not follow indeed.I didn't feel the need to follow them because the app is very, very small and simple. Anderslund, altough you're right about the app not being a KDE-app by the definition stated above, I think you pathetically overreacted by giving me that reaction and bad score. Nevertheless, it's just how the forum works. Bad luck for me I suppose. It is my personal experience that Linux users of whatever Desktop-environment still need to collect their apps from all camps (KDE/Gnome/X etc.) in order to have their full set of Windows-equivalent programs. The strict seperation of KDE- and Gnome-apps by the www.* or * forums is in general not aiding this quest.
forgive me for being silly, but what makes this a kde app?
You can run GTK apps on both Gnome and KDE desktop environment. And since applications added to don't show up on you would miss this application when searching on 'folding' for example. What is the definition of a KDE app anyway? One that is made with Qt?
anderslund, it is not a KDE apps. KDE apps use -qt-, kdelibs and follow KDE standard. You wrote a gnome apps using GTK so it have nothing to do here, that's the rules. Port it to KDElibs and then update it or let KDE user bury it until it goes bellow 30%. Application that can run inside KDE are not automatically kde apps, they can be. Photoshop is not a kde apps even if I open it in KDE. Kde apps follow some guideline, somehting that gnome user don't seem to do. Every kde apps look and feel the same, configuration is similar from application to application, settings are managed the same way, toolbar show similar things in similar order, keyboard shortcut are the same and many other things. It is an other reason why only kde apps are kde apps.