Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
You can zoom in/out, rotate, scale, translate, select different particles
and plot them in different blending colors, color particles according to their density,
play with the density threshold, trace orbits, play different time steps, take automatic
screenshots to make movies, select particles using the mouse, fly over your simulation
using camera path. All this features are accessible from a very intuitive graphic user interface.
Currently, glnemo2 reads:
- NEMO files (http://carma.astro.umd.edu/nemo)
- Gadget 1 and 2 -little and big endian- files (http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/gadget/)
- Gadget3 HDF5
- RAMSES files (http://www.ics.uzh.ch/~teyssier/ramses/RAMSES.html)
- TIPSY files (http://www-hpcc.astro.washington.edu/tools/tipsy/tipsy.html)
- FITS files, 2D and 3D datacube (http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/)
- FTM files (Clayton Heller's sph/nbody code)
- phiGRAPE file (http://wiki.cs.rit.edu/bin/view/GRAPEcluster/phiGRAPE)
- list of files stored in a file
- realtime gyrfalcON simulation via a network plugin (see $NEMO/usr/jcl/glnemo2/gyrfalcon/README)
Glnemo2 uses a plugin mechanism to load data, so it's easy to add a new file reader.
It uses the latest OpenGL technology like, shaders (glsl), vertex buffer object, frame buffer object, and takes in account the power of your graphic card to accelerate the rendering. Millions of particles can be rendered, in real time, with a fast GPU.
Glnemo2 runs fine on Linux, Windows(using minGW compiler), and MaxOSX, thanks to the QT4/QT5 API.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKmQiYwGNpk
1.10.0 (April, 28th 2016)
- (new) particles can be stretch along Z direction (useful for 3D FITS)
- (new) add gadget2 double file support
- (new) add gadget3 (hdf5) file support
- (new) automatic linux binaries building via Docker
- (new) automatic windows binaries building via cross compilation (MXE)
- set application name title with release version
- fix a regression on auto sreenshots with GL events
- fix memory leak when reloading snapshot
1.9.0 (October, 14th 2015)
- experimental FITS files plugin reader
- objects creation feature from GUI
- new shader to display velocity, better interactivity
- velocity factor in floating point format
- particles can be colored by velocity norm
- add option to load velocities from GUI
- background and text color can be set from CLI
- add button to select all particles on screen
- osd print out center instead of transfer
- zoom/rot/center can be modified from GUI
- improve toggle perspective/orthographic view
- coronograph also works with particles without density
- fix a slow rendering issue with qt 5.2.1 and above (linux)
- add busy cursor when processing
1.8.1 (February, 10th 2015)
- improve drag and drop files support
- fix regression #1594
- fix and polish auto screenshot for custom resolution
- linux/win/mac binaries package building via cmake
Ratings & Comments
sorry ok, now work.: (work around strange bsdtar errors ) using tar xfs glnemo2_1.52.tar.gz
Hi, qmake -recursive Reading /home/mrbit/AUR/glnemo2/src/glnemo2/utils/utils.pro Reading /home/mrbit/AUR/glnemo2/src/glnemo2/3rdparty/pfntlib/pfntlib.pro Reading /home/mrbit/AUR/glnemo2/src/glnemo2/plugins/ramses/ramses.pro Reading /home/mrbit/AUR/glnemo2/src/glnemo2/plugins/gadget/gadget.pro Reading /home/mrbit/AUR/glnemo2/src/glnemo2/plugins/nemolight/nemolight.pro Reading /home/mrbit/AUR/glnemo2/src/glnemo2/plugins/ftm/ftm.pro Reading /home/mrbit/AUR/glnemo2/src/glnemo2/plugins/zlib/zlib.pro Reading /home/mrbit/AUR/glnemo2/src/glnemo2/plugins/network/network.pro Reading /home/mrbit/AUR/glnemo2/src/glnemo2/plugins/plugins.pro Reading /home/mrbit/AUR/glnemo2/src/glnemo2/src/src.pro RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/camera.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/colors.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/connect.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/exit.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/next.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/previous.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/fileprint.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/fitscreen.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/folder_open.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/glnemo2.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/glnemo35.xpm' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/glnemo80.xpm' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/grid.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/home-mdk.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/move.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/new.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/options.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/player_play.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/reload.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/save.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/undo.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/video_section.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/window_fullscreen.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/window_nofullscreen.png' RCC: Error in 'glnemo.qrc': Cannot find file '../res/images/zoom-best-fit.png ????? SO Archlinux 64bit with kde4
Well I don't understand your issue. If I download source tarball, then I run "qmake -recursive" and "make" and it compiles like a charm. Could you post the report of the command : qmake -v JC
qmake -v QMake version 2.01a Using Qt version 4.8.4 in /usr/lib
hum....bizarre well from glnemo2 directory, please post the report of the commands : ls -l res/images/camera.png and md5sum ChangeLog
cd glnemo2 ls : can not access res / images / camera.png : File or directory does not exist" 0760260c62eb249176a2dc11ef550064 ChangeLog
This is really crazy ! you should have this file camera.png ! Could you DL again glnemo2 and try to compile it ? Here is the link : http://projets.oamp.fr/attachments/download/671/glnemo2_1.52.tar.gz
done, no work : lnemo2/res/images/add.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/add.png' glnemo2/res/images/back.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/back.png' glnemo2/res/images/camera.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/camera.png' glnemo2/res/images/cam_unmount.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/cam_unmount.png' glnemo2/res/images/cinecamera.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/cinecamera.png' glnemo2/res/images/colors.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/colors.png' glnemo2/res/images/connect.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/connect.png' glnemo2/res/images/crop.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/crop.png' glnemo2/res/images/desktop.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/desktop.png' glnemo2/res/images/down.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/down.png' glnemo2/res/images/exit.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/exit.png' glnemo2/res/images/fileprint.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/fileprint.png' glnemo2/res/images/fitscreen.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/fitscreen.png' glnemo2/res/images/folder_open.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/folder_open.png' glnemo2/res/images/folder.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/folder.png' glnemo2/res/images/folder_yellow_open.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/folder_yellow_open.png' glnemo2/res/images/folder_yellow.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/folder_yellow.png' glnemo2/res/images/forward.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/forward.png' glnemo2/res/images/glnemo2.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/glnemo2.png' glnemo2/res/images/glnemo35.xpm: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/glnemo35.xpm' glnemo2/res/images/glnemo80.xpm: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/glnemo80.xpm' glnemo2/res/images/grid.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/grid.png' glnemo2/res/images/home-mdk.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/home-mdk.png' glnemo2/res/images/kcmopengl.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/kcmopengl.png' glnemo2/res/images/krdc.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/krdc.png' glnemo2/res/images/ksysguard.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/ksysguard.png' glnemo2/res/images/launch.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/launch.png' glnemo2/res/images/lock.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/lock.png' glnemo2/res/images/mouse.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/mouse.png' glnemo2/res/images/move.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/move.png' glnemo2/res/images/network_local.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/network_local.png' glnemo2/res/images/new.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/new.png' glnemo2/res/images/next.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/next.png' glnemo2/res/images/ok.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/ok.png' glnemo2/res/images/options.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/options.png' glnemo2/res/images/password.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/password.png' glnemo2/res/images/player_eject.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/player_eject.png' glnemo2/res/images/player_end.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/player_end.png' glnemo2/res/images/player_fwd.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/player_fwd.png' glnemo2/res/images/player_pause.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/player_pause.png' glnemo2/res/images/player_play.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/player_play.png' glnemo2/res/images/player_rew.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/player_rew.png' glnemo2/res/images/player_start.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/player_start.png' glnemo2/res/images/player_stop.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/player_stop.png' glnemo2/res/images/previous.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/previous.png' glnemo2/res/images/print.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/print.png' glnemo2/res/images/randr.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/randr.png' glnemo2/res/images/reload.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/reload.png' glnemo2/res/images/rfbdrake.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/rfbdrake.png' glnemo2/res/images/save.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/save.png' glnemo2/res/images/server.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/server.png' glnemo2/res/images/stop.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/stop.png' glnemo2/res/images/undo.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/undo.png' glnemo2/res/images/up.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/up.png' glnemo2/res/images/video_section.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/video_section.png' glnemo2/res/images/window_fullscreen.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/window_fullscreen.png' glnemo2/res/images/window_nofullscreen.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/window_nofullscreen.png' glnemo2/res/images/xmag.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/xmag.png' glnemo2/res/images/zoom-best-fit.png: Can't create 'glnemo2/res/images/zoom-best-fit.png' bsdtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors. ==> ERRORE: Impossibile estrarre glnemo2_1.52.tar.gz ????????????????????????
glnemo2/res/images/add.png size 0 ?? ... . ..