Description: Add "PDB search" and "NCBI Entrez cross database search" engines to your Konqueror. Now you can search these databases right from your konq. The procedure of adding these search engines to Konq is explained in download file.
Now for example if you want to search for 1hhb in PDB, select PDB in Konq current list of search engines and enter your 1hhb there. You can also just type : pdb 1hhb in location bar of Konq to search for 1hhb.
General Procedure For Adding Other Molecular Biology Search Engines ================================================ You probably use other search engines and if you like to add them to Konq here is a way of finding their URIs (In a simple definition, URI is a URL that a search engine uses for quering its database). The way for finding a search engine URI is usually simple. Here is how I found PDB URI: What I did was just going to PDB site and entered a search term (1hhb) and looked at the URL which was produced in my Konq location bar. Then I copied it and replaced 1hhb in this URL with {@} , and then created a new search engine shortcut with this URL. (The procedure of adding a search engine is in download file).
i'd love to see you get this in Konqueror's current list of search engines... wouldn't be too hard, and it would be great for those non-techie ppl who would like to use it!
Ratings & Comments
i'd love to see you get this in Konqueror's current list of search engines... wouldn't be too hard, and it would be great for those non-techie ppl who would like to use it!
Ok. Done.
what, done?!? you did it already? man, that's great :D lol