Description: The qmeters library provides a highly customizable Qt widget able to create complex analog/dial widgets (multiple scales, multiple needles, customizable needles and backgrounds).
The idea behind qmeters is a "container" widget QAnalogMeter that initially is empty. The developer must create also one or more instances of a scale (clock or sector) and one or more instance of index/needle (clock, donut, pie). QAnalogMeter allow to insert these instances into the container, so they can appear to the user as unique analog instrument wired around the same pivot. By acting on the widget sizes it's possible to show an analog instrument with more coaxial scales and indexes.
The versions up to 0.4 were built ad kdevelop project, while starting from 0.5 the project source tree is managed with QMAKE, leaving out any KDE dependence.
The library documentation is in the code. As example, I included a silly demo application. To build it, you first need to build the library: go into the directory qmetersdemo/src/library and run "qmake ; make". You could perform also a "make install" at the end; this is not mandatory to compile the demo, but it is needed to run it. Then go back to qmetersdemo directory and issue "qmake ; make" again. This shoud generate a "qmetersdemo" application in the same directory.
Good luck. If you find this code useful, please consider to send me a mail. It costs almost nothing to you, but it's still appreciated by my ego ;-)
Giuseppe Massimo Bertani
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