Description: Konversation is a user-friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client made by KDE.
--- What's new ---
1.7.5: Konversation v1.7.5 is a small bugfix release fixing the build with Qt 5.11.
1.7.4: Konversation v1.7.4 is a small bugfix release addressing a font settings regression that crept into v1.7.3.
1.7.3: While the Konversation team is currently hard at work on the upcoming major version 2.0 (which will debut an all-new UI and Matrix support, and pave the way for mobile versions), we continue to support users of the stable version 1.7 with maintenance releases. Konversation v1.7.3 re-enables the lost channel mode buttons, adds minor UI refinements and includes fixes for several annoyances and crashes. Most notable in this regard are fixed color scheme handling for the treelist version of the tab bar, and crash fixes in IRC v3 extended-join and IRC color formatting code parsing.
Me agree.
I seriously do not understand why Quassel is included in KDE ? I tried to use it but I was forced to use Konversation anyway, for DCC transfer... Konversation is THE KDE answer for IRC.
Droid Sans, made by Ascender Corp. for the Android operating system, and licensed under the Apache licence. 8pt at 96 DPI, hinting style set to "Slight" and sub-pixel rendering enabled.
I am using Droid sans too...
but these look more beautiful and different to me...
I'm using...
7pt at 96 DPI,
hinting style set to "Full"
and sub-pixel rendering enabled
I'll try with hinting style "Slight"...
This release deserve a big thanks to the Konversation Team. I happily use it now and I can't wait for the future KDE4 version !
I also hope that scripting capability will bring in the future some great new features :)
Thanks for your great work. Anyway, I'm curious to know if there's the chance we will get a fserve with Konversation. Right now if you want to run a fserve with linux your choices are really limited and there's absolutely no equivalent for sysreset (it works in wine, though) - currently I'm using xchat with the obsidian2 script.
I won't rule it out for the future, but I'll also have to say honestly that it's a very low priority item for us. In the immediate future we're going to be quite busy with KDE 4 porting, and afterwards our attention will probably be focussed on a new text view and greatly improving extensibility (scripting & co). The latter might also help your cause eventually, though.
> Does anybody know if Konversation will be ported to KDE4/QT4 ?
Hi DanaKil,
the port will be started in the near future, once Konversation 1.1 is done (which will be the least release for KDE 3).
Eike Hein (Konvi maintainer)
Could you tell me what your font setup is in the screenshots? I would guess it's Helvetica with no AA? Do you have the bytecode interpreter enabled or disabled? It looks quite nice.
I just switched to KDE after 4 years of using Gnome. For my purposes, Konversation was a drop-in replacement for X-chat.
Great work. Clean interface, stable, has all of the features I need. Sober design. Things are logical.
Just wanted to encourage you to keep working on it, because this is a quality application.
Thanks for writing it!
After the release of xchat 2.6 up from 2.4 I noticed a lot of things that really made me wonder about their development process. The seem to be taking the graphical settings out of the graphical irc client. Being so disgruntled with them I started looking for alternatives.
I like Konversation. It is not as full featured as Xchat but I'm sure over time it will get there and hopefully surpass Xchat.
Ratings & Comments
One of those applications in daily use. Thanks for it !
Hello, realised package to ubuntu 10.04 lucid roberto
quassel sucks. this app is much better and i been using it since i first installed kde many years ago
Me agree. I seriously do not understand why Quassel is included in KDE ? I tried to use it but I was forced to use Konversation anyway, for DCC transfer... Konversation is THE KDE answer for IRC.
While Quassel is a wee bit off-topic here: Quassel is not included with KDE, it's a third-party app. And thanks for the compliment :).
Well, the KDE people agree you here, but not the Kubunutu people. But I would say "Fuck *buntu" anyway if you would ask me :P
Mandriva 2009.1 i586 rpm
2009.1 i586
which is this font in the screenshots? sorry for the off-topic comment...
Droid Sans, made by Ascender Corp. for the Android operating system, and licensed under the Apache licence. 8pt at 96 DPI, hinting style set to "Slight" and sub-pixel rendering enabled. More:
Oops, second link should have been:
(Since the one posted originally points at commercial offerings right now, rather than at the free one I'm using.)
I am using Droid sans too... but these look more beautiful and different to me... I'm using... 7pt at 96 DPI, hinting style set to "Full" and sub-pixel rendering enabled I'll try with hinting style "Slight"...
"Full" is way too aggressive. Especially with sub-pixel rendering enabled, FreeType produces the best results at "Slight" imho.
This release deserve a big thanks to the Konversation Team. I happily use it now and I can't wait for the future KDE4 version ! I also hope that scripting capability will bring in the future some great new features :)
Mandriva 2008.1 rpm here: Bye :)
Thanks for your great work. Anyway, I'm curious to know if there's the chance we will get a fserve with Konversation. Right now if you want to run a fserve with linux your choices are really limited and there's absolutely no equivalent for sysreset (it works in wine, though) - currently I'm using xchat with the obsidian2 script.
I won't rule it out for the future, but I'll also have to say honestly that it's a very low priority item for us. In the immediate future we're going to be quite busy with KDE 4 porting, and afterwards our attention will probably be focussed on a new text view and greatly improving extensibility (scripting & co). The latter might also help your cause eventually, though. Cheers, Sho
Hi, Does anybody know if Konversation will be ported to KDE4/QT4 ? The website's svn seems to still links to the KDE3 version :-/
> Does anybody know if Konversation will be ported to KDE4/QT4 ? Hi DanaKil, the port will be started in the near future, once Konversation 1.1 is done (which will be the least release for KDE 3). Cheers, Eike Hein (Konvi maintainer)
Could you tell me what your font setup is in the screenshots? I would guess it's Helvetica with no AA? Do you have the bytecode interpreter enabled or disabled? It looks quite nice.
"Tahoma" from Monotype's Matthew Carter, 8pt, no anti-aliasing, bytecode interpreter enabled.
I just switched to KDE after 4 years of using Gnome. For my purposes, Konversation was a drop-in replacement for X-chat. Great work. Clean interface, stable, has all of the features I need. Sober design. Things are logical. Just wanted to encourage you to keep working on it, because this is a quality application. Thanks for writing it!
After the release of xchat 2.6 up from 2.4 I noticed a lot of things that really made me wonder about their development process. The seem to be taking the graphical settings out of the graphical irc client. Being so disgruntled with them I started looking for alternatives.
I like Konversation. It is not as full featured as Xchat but I'm sure over time it will get there and hopefully surpass Xchat.
Thanks for all the good work!A SlackWare TGz package with SlackBuild Script is Ready to DownLoad!!!