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A friendly nzb usenet binary downloader.

Kwooty handles automatic file repairing archive extraction, multi-server support, smart par2 download, shutdown scheduler, etc...

How to build the project :
1. untar the archive
> tar xvfz kwooty-1.1.0.tar.gz

2. build and install:
> cd kwooty
> cd build
> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
> sudo make install OR > su -c 'make install'

Full changelog is available at

Translations are welcome !
Last changelog:

Version 1.1.0:

- Nzb row and corresponding data folder renaming with "F2" shortcut
- Nzb row and corresponding data folder deletion by hitting "SHIFT+DEL" keyboard shortcut
- "Show/hide" menu bar action added and available from "CTRL+M" shortcut
- If there is no pending download, do not connect to servers when kwooty is launched from desktop session restoration
- Kwallet querying for server password is now performed after kwooty has been fully started
- Unrar 5 support

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Hi! I have a strange issue in 1.0.1 recently: After downloading the files, it says "extraction complete", but it doesn't extract the files. I can extract manually without any problems. All the neccessary binaries are there (7zip, par2 and the likes) and kwooty recognizes them.


Hi, In order to see what happens, I would need to reproduce this issue . If you have a nzb file, whose extracting process does nothing, do not hesitate to send me it by mail. Btw, it would be also helpful to get your unrar/7z versions. Thx, Xavier


Hi! Thanks for the quick reply. It's ALL nzb files, I fear. started a few days ago, out of nowhere :O I am using Gentoo and unrar-5.0.3 and p7zip-9.20.1-r3... I also checked system integrity with the usual Gentoo tools...


Marcs, It may be related with unrar 5. Could you try to go back to stable version (4.2.4) and see what happens ? On my own, I will try kwooty with unrar 5 as soon as available on my distro. Xavier


You were right. It works great again with unrar-424. Thanks for helping me out and for kwooty in general. I have another question: Sometimes when it processes an nzb, I get the error that the download directory is full, which is not true. I then delete the running download, create a new nzb and everything works... Any idea?


Hi Xavier. I'm very grateful for your application. So thanks a lot again for this great piece of KDE software and your time you invest into. I have a little note on startup behavier: When KWooty starts, it always tries to connect to a news-server, even if there are no pending downloads (empty list). Normally this isn't a big deal. But in my scenario it isn't comfortable. Why: All my password are stored with KWallet and the wallet is protected by a master password. After KDE login, Kwooty starts automatically minimized to tray. Now it tries to open the wallet to retrieve the password to connect to a news-server. So a dialog box comes up to enter the master password, even if there are no pending downloads. So what I mean, why does Kwooty always tries to connect to a server, even if there are no pending downloads? Optimized behavior: Kwooty should start minimized to tray but without connecting to a server, when there are no pending downloads. So you don't always have to enter the wallet password each time Kwooty starts up. What do you think about this ? :-) Cheers, Kai


Hi Kai, Sorry for the delay but I'm quite busy these days :( You can expect that for the next minor release ! :) I would just change the behavior like that: - When session is restored, kwooty will start minimized to tray but without connecting to a server when there are no pending downloads. - When session is not restored, I assume that kwooty will be launched to use it. In that case, connection to server is maintained as user could not understand why kwooty is disconnected (idem once a server has been added in settings, connection should be performed so that user can check that these settings are correct). What do you think about it ? Cheers, Xavier


Hi Xavier. That would be perfect. Thank you. One thing to mention: Sometimes Kwooty doesn't extract rar files, even if parity check was Ok. I try do reproduce that and send you a test file later. Nevertheless, great piece of Software. Chers, Kai


Kai, I'm quite busy rigth now but you can expect this feature in a couple of weeks. I'm looking forward a nzb sample in order to reproduce and fix your issue. Thx, Xavier


Hello Xavier, on KDE startup Kwooty starts with open main window on the Desktop. Can you fix it, that Kwooty starts minimized to system tray on KDE startup? I allways have to minimize the window to system tray manually on each KDE startup... Currently I use KDE 4.9.1, but I think/remember, that Kwooty started minimized in earlier versions. Thats my big wish :-) Maybe you find some time... Cheers, Kai


Hi Kai, Thx for reporting this, it will be fixed in next kwooty bug fix release (expect it in about 1 or 2 weeks I would say) ! Cheers, Xavier


When I have the downloads paused and add another nzb to the queue, the new nzb starts downloading. I would like for it to stay paused. Also, do you have plans to implement watching bookmarks for the major nzb sites, ie newzbin and nzbmatrix? Thanks for a great app!!!


Hi peaveyman, - Actually there are no plans about watching bookmarks from nzb sites. - Keep a nzb on pause when just added will probably added in the next kwooty release. Thank you for feedback :) Cheers, Xavier


Since upgrading to openSUSE 12.1 I can't get the bandwidth manager to pause the downloads. My days are divided into 2 periods: period 1 has unlimited download speed and period 2 has download paused. Everything worked fine before the OS upgrade but now it ignores the paused period and carries on downloading at full speed. I've tried disabling and re-enabling the plugin and also deleting the ~/.kde4/apps/kwooty folder completely but it's still not working. Has anyone else had this problem or can give me any pointers as to how to get it working again? Thanks Laura


Hi Laura, It seems you have spotted an issue in kwooty 0.8.0. In scheduler plugin settings, just set the maximum download speed different to "No Limit" (no matter the value you set) and it should work as expected. The next bug fix release will fix this ! Cheers, Xavier


Like magic! Thanks Xavier. And thanks again for a super app. Laura


Many thanks for the fixes in 0.7.3. Great work. I've one issue: You quit Kwooty after you've paused some jobs and then you restart Kwooty again, then Kwooty continues the jobs instead of still pausing them. Or you pause some jobs and logout from your desktop session. When you login back, the jobs should still be paused. So what I wanna say: Kwooty should remember the state, if jobs are paused or not. Maybe you find the time to integrate it in a future version. Thx a lot Xavier :-)


Hi Kai, In fact that was a feature, I thought that one will be ok to restart downloads automatically at next startup, but I understand that it should not work like that. Anyway, the pause state is now kept between sessions ! :) It is already in the trunk and will be in 0.8.0 release that should be ready soon... Cheers, Xavier


Hi Xavier. Thx for your reply. Saving the pausing state would be great. I'm happy, cheers :-) I found two other issues. In settings dialog - Programs/Priority There you can configure the process priority for verify/par and for unpacking. You can set the priority to low, lowest or user defined from +1 to +19. First thing: Kwooty doesn't allow values from 0 to -19. So negative values are not possible to configure. Is it possible that you can allow values between -19 and 19 for verfify and unpacking? Second thing: I try to explain: In the settings dialog you set the user defined priority to a nice value of (for example) +5. Now you start a 30GB (for example) download job (300 rar files). After download has finished kwooty starts verifying and unpacking the files with the former specified process priority +5. During this operation you decide to change to priotity to another value. You go back to settings dialog and change the user defined process priority from +5 to another vaule, for example to +19 and click apply. When you check the processes (in console with top command), you see the nice index of par and unrar haven't changed to +19. Instead the nice index still remains at +5. So a priority change should also apply to already started jobs. if you change the process priority during a running task, kwooty should also update the nice index of the corresponding process. Is that possible to realize? Cheers again.... A big Kwooty friend !!!!!!


Hi Xavier. Thx for your reply. Saving the pausing state would be great. I'm happy, cheers :-) I found two other issues. In settings dialog - Programs/Priority There you can configure the process priority for verify/par and for unpacking. You can set the priority to low, lowest or user defined from +1 to +19. First thing: Kwooty doesn't allow values from 0 to -19. So negative values are not possible to configure. Is it possible that you can allow values between -19 and 19 for verfify and unpacking? Second thing: I try to explain: In the settings dialog you set the user defined priority to a nice value of (for example) +5. Now you start a 30GB (for example) download job (300 rar files). After download has finished kwooty starts verifying and unpacking the files with the former specified process priority +5. During this operation you decide to change to priotity to another value. You go back to settings dialog and change the user defined process priority from +5 to another vaule, for example to +19 and click apply. When you check the processes (in console with top command), you see the nice index of par and unrar haven't changed to +19. Instead the nice index still remains at +5. So a priority change should also apply to already started jobs. if you change the process priority during a running task, kwooty should also update the nice index of the corresponding process. Is that possible to realize? Cheers again.... A big Kwooty friend !!!!!!


Hi Kai, Sorry for the delay to answer, I was quite busy those days. About renicing an existing process (verify or repair) from a high value to a lower it might not be allowed by default unless extra privileges. For example renicing a process from +10 to +2 works by default on ubuntu but is forbidden on fedora or opensuse for example. Also setting a negative nice value requires administrator privileges. It may be difficult to use it inside kwooty with the default configuration on some distributions. I have no simple solution right now for this feature :( Have a good Xmas day, Xavier


Hi, Thanks for this great app. I see that translations are wellcome, however I couldn't find any translation instructions, neither here, nor in git or web page. So, I was wondering, would you consider using something like Transifex for translations? Since you allready have a master translation file on Gitorious, setting up project on Transifex would be a notime, and (I think) it woud be much easier both for you and translators. Best regards,


Hi, I sent you a message about translations. All the best, Xavier


Thank you, very useful :) Keep on the good work!


First and foremost, thanks for all your work on such an awesome program. Kwooty has done a wonderful job of making things dead simple for a Usenet/NZB noob like myself. Unfortunately, I've run into a bug that's forcing me to use Pan for the moment. Kwooty constantly loses all but one connection to the server, severely limiting the download speed. I submitted a detailed bug report here: (By the way, it's mighty impressive that this is the only open bug on Kwooty's bug tracker! ^_^ ) Let me know if there's any other info I can provide to help troubleshoot. Thanks!

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