Description: Easy various links manager or Everest Linux Links Manager evlinks is network manage and config toolkit aims to replace network service and networkmanager.
the design of evlinks: 1, use mac address as config file names to avoid interface name change.
2, multi profile support, for example, you can have a setting for Office and another setting for home.
3, never display info such as "eth0/wlan0/ath0" to users. what is the meaning of this strange words for normal user?
4, coupled loosely, if any component of evlinks crash or can not work, others works very well.
5,policy support: for example, whether start wired at booting time,whether start wireless at booting time,offline or online, if wired line unpluged, shall we switch to wireless?
the components of evlinks: 1,evlinkslo/evlinksboot: run at system booting. enable loopback and other interfaces according to config file.
2,evlinksiw, wireless config tool
3,evlinkswireless, a wrapper for evlinksiw to handle multiple wireless adapters. if you only have one wireless adapter, it will start evlinksiw directly.
4,evlinksw, wired config tool, support multiple profiles.
5,evlinkswired, same as evlinkswireless, a wrapper for evlinksw to handle multiple wired adapter.
6,evlinksmonitor, a hal client to monitor the adapter changes. since it use hal, then we can catch the signal when new adapter plugged and removed.
7, evlinkstraffic, network traffic monitor. used in evlinksmonitor and evlinkspppoe.
8, evlinkspppoe, PPPoE clients, used to connect ADSL(no PPPoA support)
9, evlinksdispatcher and evlinksrun. dirty code to help normal user run it easily.that is to say, normal user use evlinksrun to call evlinks utils, they all run as super user. it is not a good design, also had security problem, need change later.
TODO: 1,wpa support. 2,the code is too dirty, it is only a prototype, need more work and re-construct. 3,evlinksdispatcher rework. 4,evlinksproxy, a simple util to share internet between two machine(NAT) via wireless or wired. 5, add project files, CMAKE? 6, make function name user friendly. 7, evlinksoptions to control the policy.Last changelog:
0.10, clean more dirty code, seperate common functions to libevlinks.
0.09, clean some very dirty code, still need more works.
hey this seems like a very kewl and promising app dude! keep it up.
yes it's very true, knetworkmanager doesn't support static IPs for wifi. no adhoc too. plus the profiles doesn't seem to load correctly. or if one is trying to configure manually, you have to load 2x just to get those settings. bad!
Ratings & Comments
hey this seems like a very kewl and promising app dude! keep it up. yes it's very true, knetworkmanager doesn't support static IPs for wifi. no adhoc too. plus the profiles doesn't seem to load correctly. or if one is trying to configure manually, you have to load 2x just to get those settings. bad!
I'll try this as soon as you add WPA support!
the chartframe in evlinkstraffic is take from knetdockapp.