Hamachi - RPM package
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
In other words Hamachi is a program that allows you to arrange multiple computers into their own secure network just as if they were connected by a physical network cable.
Hamachi is fast, secure and simple. Its core version is also free.
Change log for Hamachi/Linux client.
Started with version
== ==
* Fixed a bug causing the daemon to segfault in the event of
some peer going offline.
== ==
* Fixed link layer framing of de-tunneled IP multicast packets.
Previously destination address was incorrectly set to host's
MAC instead of 01:00:5e:xx:xx:xx.
== ==
* Fixed a bug in a tunneling code that under certain conditions
caused daemon to die with SIGABRT when transferring large
amounts of data.
== ==
* Fixed a bug causing the daemon to behave erratically under certain
conditions over slow/lossy links
* Modified hamachi-init to set an access mask for private key to 0400
and to 0444 for public key
== ==
* Fixed a bug that caused Hamachi daemon to terminate unexpectedly
when more than one 'hamachi login' commands were issued in a rapid
== ==
* Added support for tunneling routed packets, ie packets that are not
destined to peer's 5.x.x.x address. This is *very* powerful feature.
Consider for example two separate LANs both connected to the I-net.
One LAN is, another - and their default
gateways are running Hamachi clients with and IPs
Adding the following routes -
ip route via dev ham 0 (on LAN1 gateway)
ip route via dev ham 0 (on LAN2 gateway)
will enable LAN-to-LAN communications via Hamachi tunnel that exists
between the gateways.
== ==
* Modified command-line portion of Hamachi to cope gracefully with
redirects. v11 was errorneously treatin redirects as login failures
and produced confusing console message.
== ==
* Added support for 'redirect' message, which is required to connect
to the next-gen Hamachi backend servers
== ==
* Increased acceted size of network passwords from 63 to 255 characters
* Added 'hamachi evict' command
* Added rudimental shaping of p2p traffic. Both TX and RX UDP transmission
rates can now be capped. Define the following values in ~/.hamachi/config
This caps are applied to tunneled IPv4 traffic only, and they are applied
globally (ie not on per-tunnel basis). For example -
TxRate 8192
will restrict outbound packet rate to 8 KB/s.
== ==
* this release was skipped
== ==
* Added an option of keep-aliving tunnels. When enabled, it will cause
Hamachi to send out small UDP packet over the tunnel if there was no
outbound traffic for a specified number of seconds. Default value is
90 seconds.
To modify the value add the following line into ~/.hamachi/config:
KeepAlive 123
where 123 is an idle timeout in seconds. Minimum allowed values is 10.
To disable tunnel keep-alives, set KeepAlive to 0.
* Rebuilt -pentium package as previous version ( was statically
linked against non-pentium libcrypto library.
Ratings & Comments
Please, write a comment. Is package works properly?
No, it does not... it just generates a few files in my root filesystem: linux-xkc5:/ # ls bin dev home LICENSE.openssh lost+found mnt README srv tuncfg boot etc lib LICENSE.openssl Makefile opt root sys usr CHANGES hamachi LICENSE LICENSE.tuncfg media proc sbin tmp var I dunno what they are doing there ^^ Good luck... Best regreads scummos