Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The following services are ignored by default:
* microsoft-ds
* netbios-ssn
* www
It was initially written for myself to monitor ssh, ftp and proxy activity on my machine at work, but it also can monitor many other connection types.
* added tcpkill support (tcpkill requires root privileges,
you should install fix in KConnections' options or run
KConnections via kdesu; user should also know tcpdump expressions)
* tiny improvements
* "Notify messages" can be accessed via tray's menu
* added monitor window
* KConnections is now 'KUniqueApplication'
* added white list
* added program name in filters and popup message
Ratings & Comments
Any plans on porting to KDE4?
FYI, KConnections RPM packages in these repos: http://repos.opensuse.org/home:/dsbhayangkara and http://repos.opensuse.org/KDE:/Community are build without tcpkill support because of that german law thing. while the package in my website is build with tcpkill support.
Thanks for the new version. It seams like it works well! Just few things are missing: 1) Save POSITION of the "Current connections" window. 2) Save size and position of the "Options" window. 3) Add optional dependencies on dsniff (http://monkey.org/~dugsong/dsniff/) to allow to kill connection with tcpkill.
1) and 2) KDE has excellent KWin manager. Use it to save position and size of KConnections' windows. KSquirrel FAQ tells how to do it: http://ksquirrel.sourceforge.net/faq.php
3) -- Yes, I need tcpkill functionality for myself. I use tcpkill in console at work to kill unwanted connections. But it is complex task to implement it in GUI due to huge number of tcpdump expressions (tcpkill uses tcpdump expressions). We can 1) Rely on user. Simply create text input box and pass its contents to tcpkill. In this case user should learn tcpdump expressions and exactly know what is he doing. This is easier for me and more complex for user. 2) Implement all tcpdump expressions as GUI elements: checkboxes, linedits etc. This will be easier for user and more complex for me :) I hope I'll implement the second one in the future.
Hey, this is just something I longed for! Yes we all know there are nice cli prorams that can monitor connections and you can script with bash and so on but I was looking for such just a simple yet useful utility for KDE.
Support for killing an individual connection with the tcpkill command from the dsniff suite would be pretty cool, too.
How about also adding information gathered by nethogs (http://nethogs.sourceforge.net/) like process ID, device, sent and received KB? That would really be a complete overview. When I click on the tray icon once the "current connections" window pops up. It would be nice if I could click on the icon again and make the window disappear that way. Right now I have to move my mouse over to the window and click on the "close" button for it to disappear - just a minor inconvenience. Otherwise I would not mind translating your app into German.
I have some small problems with .desktop file, looks like it doesn't follow opendesktop.org specifications /usr/share/applications/kde/kconnections.desktop: value "kconnections.png" for key "Icon" in group "Desktop Entry" is an icon name with an extension, but there should be no extension as described in the Icon Theme Specification if the value is not an absolute path -- value "Qt;KDE;Application;Network" for string list key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character
Thanks. I'll fix this in the next release.
Some problems with xinerama: the connections appear divided by the half in my two monitors. Nice tool :-)
Hi, I like this tool. I have created ebuild for Gentoo Linux: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=201582 I have few things what could be improved in your program: 1) if I click on the icon in systray, the Options widows appears at the screen. If I click one more time on the icon, the window could disappear. 2) You could save position and size of the Options window. 3) You could provide list of currently established connections. Also if I have unchecked "Notify messages", it would be useful to have a list of connection somewhere inside the "Options" window. Cheers, Jiri
Great! 1) See 3) 2) It would be much better to use KWin settings to save Options' position 3) Current connections are shown in tooltip. Just move mouse to KConnections' icon and wait few seconds. 0.3 will also have additional window to show current connections in real time. This window will popup when you click on KConnections' icon.
It is possible to show application name in popup (netstat -p) and make black/whitelist based on app. name?
Yes, will be presented in 0.3
available at http://repos.opensuse.org/KDE:/Community
running torrents make this app go crazy because of hundreds of connections to/from random ports. Is it possible to watch only specified ports but not all?
0.3 will have "white lists". You will be able to switch between black and white lists.
but the app still freezes (tray menu doesn't appear because of lots popup messages) when there's a lot of connections. The only solution in such situations was killall kconnections
Try to remove config file ~/.kde/share/config/kconnectionsrc and restart the app. In 0.3 white list is enabled by default.
and if I accidentaly select not white list but black list in options or context menu while runnig torrent? killall kconnections
Insert your torrent client into the black list ? It works for me and KTorrent.
The problem is that app bocomes unresponsible if it serves large amount of connections. It stays hung untill all messages are shown in popup, in case of torrent there is 10-50 connections in a second. I know that there are some ways to avoid this problem, but also its very easy to hang up kconnections - just select "All connections" in tray icon context menu while running torrent client.
0.3 will have "white lists". You will be able to switch between black and white lists.