Description: kio-ftps is an FTPS KIO slave for KDE. It implements secure FTP sessions based on RFC 4217 and built upon the FTP KIO-slave sources. It should work with most server implementations. It issues an "AUTH TLS" command after connecting and refuses to continue when it's not supported. Prior to every data channel I/O command ("STOR", "RETR", etc.) it tries to secure the data channel via "PBSZ" and "PROT" commands. If that fails, it will transfer data unencrypted. There is currently no support for SSL certificates, this might be added on demandLast changelog:
Since doesn't exist anymore, the download link is not working... Could you please make the app available for download somewhere else and tell us is this an abandoned project?
When compiling on my KDE I got errors like
undefined reference to 'QSslSocket::QSslSocket(QObject*)'
To compile it I must add ${QT_QTNETWORK_LIBRARY} to target_link_libraries in CMakeLists.txt.
So 11. line must be "target_link_libraries(kio_ftps ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${QT_QTNETWORK_LIBRARY} kio )"
Hey, goog that this exits. It should be full part of KDE. Unfortunately there is a very annoying bug. kio-ftps complains about self signed server certificates without allowing to accept them permanently (like the rest of KDE does). Any chance for a fix soon?
I've solved it by compiling from source with commented command for showing message box about self-signed certificates. It's bad workaround, but it works :-)
- remove lines 431-434
- add in that for cycle command „doNotIgnore = false;“
This KIO slave could go into kdelibs together with the normal FTP one. Just like HTTPS and HTTP.
As I see there is a lot of code dupplication from the one in kdelibs, so it should not be a problem to merge them together. Just look at the HTTP one:
What do you think? If you need any help, contact me.
How about ssh://?
on earlier KDE versions, sFTP was just a hack. But the real connection to security echanced FTP servers is still done via SSH and kio-sftp just was "renamed" version for that.
So to connect a FTP server, just use ssh:// and not ftp:// or sftp:// and you get everything done.
unless ssh:// isn't implented as kio-slave ;-)
sftp and ftps are quite different protocols (read here: there is a very handy fish:// kio-slave which delivers filesystem abstractions for remote servers on which you have shell access. ftps is an extension to the ftp protocol, like https.
FTPS is used as addition to FTP when a provider doesn't give you access to SSH (in base tarifes etc), which is needed for SFTP. So FTPS is way more secure than FTP, which can be read by anyone using a Man-in-the-middle-attack.
A kio-ftps package for kubuntu edgy is available here:
Works here on my system with debian testing too...
awesome work. I was hoping for an kio-slave for ftps for some time. This is great. I submitted a bugreport to with an Gentoo-ebuild. It can be found at
BTW, is it somehow possible to connect to ftps through a proxy?
Ratings & Comments
Since doesn't exist anymore, the download link is not working... Could you please make the app available for download somewhere else and tell us is this an abandoned project?
When compiling on my KDE I got errors like undefined reference to 'QSslSocket::QSslSocket(QObject*)' To compile it I must add ${QT_QTNETWORK_LIBRARY} to target_link_libraries in CMakeLists.txt. So 11. line must be "target_link_libraries(kio_ftps ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${QT_QTNETWORK_LIBRARY} kio )"
Hey, goog that this exits. It should be full part of KDE. Unfortunately there is a very annoying bug. kio-ftps complains about self signed server certificates without allowing to accept them permanently (like the rest of KDE does). Any chance for a fix soon?
I've solved it by compiling from source with commented command for showing message box about self-signed certificates. It's bad workaround, but it works :-) ftp.cpp - remove lines 431-434 - add in that for cycle command „doNotIgnore = false;“
Where do I get this for KDE 3? I'm assuming there is one since the homepage says "02.18.07: ported to kde4.". thanks.
This KIO slave could go into kdelibs together with the normal FTP one. Just like HTTPS and HTTP. As I see there is a lot of code dupplication from the one in kdelibs, so it should not be a problem to merge them together. Just look at the HTTP one: What do you think? If you need any help, contact me.
How about ssh://? on earlier KDE versions, sFTP was just a hack. But the real connection to security echanced FTP servers is still done via SSH and kio-sftp just was "renamed" version for that. So to connect a FTP server, just use ssh:// and not ftp:// or sftp:// and you get everything done. unless ssh:// isn't implented as kio-slave ;-)
sftp and ftps are quite different protocols (read here: there is a very handy fish:// kio-slave which delivers filesystem abstractions for remote servers on which you have shell access. ftps is an extension to the ftp protocol, like https.
FTPS is used as addition to FTP when a provider doesn't give you access to SSH (in base tarifes etc), which is needed for SFTP. So FTPS is way more secure than FTP, which can be read by anyone using a Man-in-the-middle-attack.
Mhhh, i can't edit my post above... :-/ A package for dapper is available here:
Hi! A kio-ftps package for kubuntu edgy is available here: Works here on my system with debian testing too...
You can download MandrivaLinux rpm package (builded on MDV 2006) from
I'm getting a 'SSL-connecting error'. What exactly does this mean? Btw I really appreciate your work. I really need it, also :)
I'm getting the same error... I would really appreciate a fix.
I believe this is due to a lack of certificate support. I for one request the feature to be added because this kio slave is useless to me without it.
A SlackWare TGz package with SlackBuild Script is Ready to DownLoad!!!
Hi, awesome work. I was hoping for an kio-slave for ftps for some time. This is great. I submitted a bugreport to with an Gentoo-ebuild. It can be found at BTW, is it somehow possible to connect to ftps through a proxy?