myHella 2


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myHella is front-end GTK application written in Python to be used together with hellaNZB which is meant for downloading from usenet.

myHella development started very recently but although it has already made an extremely progress.

The early development started on my own and some people gave me some good advice but as the first version of myHella was pretty much crap I decided to start all over again and here's the result! MyHella version 2!
You can get this GTK usenet program by checking it out from bzr:
bzr co myhella

or just download the files (click on a file and on the new page click on top of the screen on Download file. Just save them all in one directory):

0) If you are using a version of Ubuntu older than Gutsy Gibbon (like Feisty Fawn) you probably won't get myHella working because of an error that the package pyinotify should be installed! I'm working on this (!
1) Before running myhella make sure you installed hellanzb (including the python bindings for ssh)
2) Also make sure you have the pyinotify package installed. In ubuntu you'll find it in synaptic under python-pyinotify

For more information on how about to install and get the program running i reffer to the myhella forum at

Bug reports can be made on launchpad:
Last changelog:

version 1012 (March 31th 200:
*Once again the icon set has been updated thanks to Rz!
*Double clicking on an nzb in the queue will start downloading it (you will be asked if you're sure)
*Finally a cancel button (a toggle button) has made it main window!

version 1011 (February 18th 200:
*New icons

version 1010 (February 18th 200:
*Launchpad bug #192756 solved concerning the pause/unpause button's functionallity in the tray-menu. For more info have a look at
*An about dialog has been implemented
*One of the icons (the stats-icon) is updated

version 1008 (February 16th 200:
*Drag and Drop is implemented in version 2. Now it also works with linked folders
*Cancel-button to cancel the current download is implemented

version 1006 (February 12th 200:
*Launchpad bug solved concerning myhella that couldn't be started due to an error that hellanzb isn't installed. This error only occured for those who didn't install hellanzb from source!

version 1004 (January 30th 200:
new features in myHella 2:
*a big evolution in myHella 2 is the watch directory. By default is scans your home folder for new nzb's. Which folder to scan and if subdirectories should be scanned (recursive option) can be set in the general settings-pane.
*antoher quite good evolution in myHella is the use of panes instead of different windows for the settings. There is a pane (panes are better known as tabs) for the stats, the queue and the general settings. In the future there will also be a pane/tab for the server settings.
*In myHella 2 I built in some stability function so you can change the update interval. If, on older computers, myHella consumes to much resources just enlarge the update interval and myHella should run smoother.
*With myHella 1 versions hellaNZB, the myHella download back-end, was automatically started together with myHella. Now you will have to choose to connect after starting myHella 2.
*The tray has gotten more functionality. In this second version I will try to enable you as user to manage your downloads using the window or just by using the tray! At this moment you can add nzb's, clear the queue, connect to the internet, pause and quit myHella using the tray functionality.

On the other hand some things have just changed a little:
*On the stats pane you'll find a slider (at the bottom) to easily set the maximum download rate
*The stats have been divided into two sections, the first section are the essential stats which will always be displayed (what's downloading, how much has downloaded, how long will it take and what's processing). The second section is the details section which can be shown or hidden (standard hidden) and gives your more information about your download rate, queue-size, how much you already downloaded and how long you are already downloading.

Revision 34 (December 31th 2007):
-Small bug concerning the tray-icon solved: when clicking on the tray icon to let myHella appear again it only showed a small square window.

Revisions 31 - 33 (December 30th 2007):
-Some bugs where solved:
->A bug when restarting hellanzb
->A bug when double clicking in an empty queue
->A bug when drawing the graph when minimized to the tray
-Since revision 31 myhella doesn't to be restarted whenever you change a crucial setting like adding/removing/enabeling a server
-Since revision 33 the window close button now minimizes myHella to the tray. To exit the program click the large quit button in myHella or choose the 'exit myHella' option in the tray-dropdown menu.

Revisions 24 - 30 (December 27th 2007):
-A bug is solved when you wanted to add an item to the queue when the queue was empty.
-Libnotify pop-ups are now integrated into myHella and can be activated using the preferences window. By default this settings is disabled.
-Some layout changes where made: the ETA wasn't always display as hh:mm:ss but sometimes as hh:m:s so this is now changed.
-The color for drawing the download rate graph is configurable through the preferences window.

Revisions 11 - 24 (December 18th 2007):
-Lots of bugs are resolved
-A better working drag and drop is included on the entire myHella window!
-Some settings issues are made better
-A maximum download rate (aka max download speed) can now be set up
-The settings window is working with tabs from now on
-Some interface changes were made:
>No delete button to remove an nzb from the queue, just use the delete button on your keyboard
>A graph has been added that displays myhella's network usage

Revision 9 and 10:
-bug solved: when trying to close the preferences window it sometimes killed the main app.
-New icon for the preferences window
-Button to clear the entire queue

November 13th 2007:
-Setup utility when first running myHella
-Configuring multiple server with a maximum of 100 connection/server
-Possibility to enable/disable SSL
-Enable/disable servers in the configuration
-Setting a maximum download rate
-Adding an NZB using a dialog window
-Adding multiple NZB files using Drag n Drop (still very buggy!)
-Pause/unpause downloads
-Cancel current download
-Cancel select NZB
-Force selected NZB to start downloading
-Move NZB up/down in the queue using buttons
-Move NZB up/down in the queue by dragging and dropping them in the queue window
-Tray icon (in the notification area)
-Right click options for the tray icon such as Exit myHella and Pause/Continue downloads
-Hiding the main menu to the the tray icon by left clicking the tray icon (same way to show it again)

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BUG REPORTS ----------- Bug reports can be made on the myhella forum which can be found here: Read the toppic in the myhella bug board to make a good and usefull bug report! (The info for making bug reports which is provided above in the gtk-apps comments shouldn't be used anymore!)


thx for testing this new version! I will certainly have a look at it within a few days but it is hopefull to see that the update problem doesn't exist every time, only in some cases. The systemtray problem is something really weird, i hope i will find out but i guess for that i will need the terminal output! Greetz.. Dirken


As you can see revision 34 is uploaded with the small tray-icon bug solved! Everything else probably will be for the next year ;)


Hey guys ! Got the same problem concerning the download rate and the queue list. I download my nzbs from @ the start of myhella i got the following error : GtkWarning: gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell: assertion `tree_view->priv->tree != NULL' failed


Could you all do the test with this new version (revision 33) and let me know what error this gives in the terminal (look at the list beneath for bug reports!)? This new version is kinda crucial. You should never have to restart myhella for changes to take effect. Also dom2 his sugestion about the close button is implemented into myHella. Information I need to solve a bug: - the exacte download location for the nzb - are you using kde/gnome/... - which version of hellaNZB is installed - and off course the terminal output You can also send this information to


Hey dirken, I downloaded your release #33, and the following is what I noticed: When I add the nzb in the daemon.queue dir and there isn't a download in progress, myHella sees it but the Downloading rate is not updated When I add the nzb in the daemon.queue dir and there is a download in progress, myHella sees it, and queues it. When it's started, but the downloading rate is updated, and the graphical download meter works. When I add a nzb via the "import nzb", the downloading rate is updated When I close the program while it was still downloading something, with the "downloading rate" working, and then when I start it again, the download is resumed but the "downloading rate" is not working anymore. When I use the close button of the main window, the program is minimized, but when I click on the tray icon to bring it back, I only see a very small square window with nothing in it. I have to quit myHella and restart it to get things back to normal. Regarding my system, I use a fedora 8 with gnome. I did not record the terminal output, but I will do next time.


Your program looks very promising! Thanks for sharing! I have a suggestion for you: You should remove the minimize button of the window and make the close button actually minimize the window, similarly as what happens with pidgin/gaim. Indeed, this is the kind of program that you only check from time to time to see if your downloads are doing fine, and to do so you click on the tray icon, check what's going on, and then close the window and go back to what you were doing. You don't want the program to close on you and stop all your download. Plus, you have a big quit button with an icon on it in the gui, which is what you would want to click to actually exit. Now, there are a couple of problems: So I launch your program, configure it with the wizard, and then from newzleech on firefox, I download a .nzb directly to the daemon.queue folder. The download is starting in myhella, and the download bar is updating, but none of "Downloading rate", "highest download rate", "processing", the queue or the graphical network usage monitor is. The same thing happens when I add a nzb via the "Import NZB" function. Also, but that's a minor detail, in the first-time wizard, the window in which you add your server information is not tall enough, the "add server" and "delete server button" overlap what under them.


I will certainly have a look at the close button and upload a new version within the next few hours. For the status-bug that isn't updating i should need some more information: 1) Can you send give me the exact link to download the NZB you are using (i have already noticed that hellanzb has some problems with certain nzb's and i don't know why) 2) Have you already tried to with another nzb? 3) Can you also give me the terminal output when downloading that certain nzb?


Oh yeah, forgot sth :) The buttons in the setup wizard will be removed as that window will go through a little re-write (but as i'm having exames within the next month i can't tell when it will be done). The setup wizard window should function much more like the preferences window where you can enabled SSL and enable server by clicking on the checkbox.


Thanks. This is a nice alternative for pan news reader. Now only create the installer, after that it owns ;) Thanks again

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