Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I'm a beginner in programming and this is my first project, so please don't expect something special.
I just hope you enjoy it!
current key features:
- unlimited undo & redo.
- calculations and functions (see Help menu for function list)
- data formats (when you change data format, the editor changes also - as shown in the screenshot)
- align left-centre-right
- background and foreground colour
- fonts (font, font style, size,...)
- insert images
- move and resize images
- sort data
To build QSimpleSheet using cmake, call these commands:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
Then to run QSimpleSheet without installing:
$ ./qsimplesheet
To install QSimpleSheet:
# make install
Thanks for any comment or bug report.
0.3.0 (15/feb/200 first version in qt-apps.org
- support graphics (images)
0.3.1 (17/feb/200
- resize graphics
- some bugfixes
0.3.4 (3/march/200
- properties dialog for graphics
- special copy and paste (colors, fonts,...)
- sort data (alphabetically and custom order)
0.3.9 (23/march/200
- splashscreen added
- using global clipboard.
- some functions added:
sum(), product(), min(), max(), average(), median(), mode()
- using selection (e.g. A1:B1) in some functions like sum(),...
Ratings & Comments
I found error in programm - new file 5000 columns 5000 rows.
thanks shahabsh, this a good app. I have successfully build it using Qt 4.5, mingw32 and cmake in Windows platform with just a few warning. But the resulting application always start from Console/ Command prompt. Can you/anybody give a hits on how to get rid this, so it can start as normal Win32 app. Thanks.
Is this still in development?
maybe not...... :(
Nice work... I have found only some little bugs with XP-MSVC 7.1 and Qt 4.3.2: - M_PI itsn't defined... - In method "void Graphic::drawBoundary(QPainter &painter)" add "(const QBrush &)" to "painter.fillRect(0,0,10,10, (const QBrush &) brush);" - Also the loaded images aren't removed on new load.
Thank you for your report, I thought M_PI is in standard C++! anyway, all 3 bugs are fixed.
looks very good intuitive and easy good job! voted + fix follow, plz: - it is unpossible to resize inserted images - .qss-files - is a qt's (cascading) style sheets. QSimpleSheet can not read them
Thank you... Both problems are fixed. now you can resize images (hold shift to keep aspect ratio), the file format changed to .qsd (qsimplesheet documents)
many thanks i like QSimpleSheet and try to think where i can use it...unsuccessfull yet :) too good for beginner...really