Description: Kollegstufe is a programm, which helps you managing your marks at school. It's written in C++; the graphical user interface was created with Qt. Some features are:
# Choice between different rating modes of the achievments, f.e. points (0 - 15), marks (1 - 6) or a self configureable one. # Multilanguage support, currently already English and German. # Computing of the Average of the entire esams in a subject or in one special semester. # Graphical view of the course of the achievments. # Creation of own subject cathegories, f.e. major subjects, minor subjects, etc. # Managing of multible mark databases, incl. Im- and Export of databases.Last changelog:
WARNING: This is a Beta Release, so there is a lack of documentation, and there are some other bugs.
These things will be fixed in releases, which will come soon.
I just found an error in kstatisticswidget.h:
Line 49:
void setMinMaxY(int newMinimumY, int newMinimumY);
must be
void setMinMaxY(int newMinimumY, int newMaximumY);
Ratings & Comments
I just found an error in kstatisticswidget.h: Line 49: void setMinMaxY(int newMinimumY, int newMinimumY); must be void setMinMaxY(int newMinimumY, int newMaximumY);
few days and Ukrainian translation be ready
needed teacher authentification and, maybe, mysql support
I can make a spanish translation of the program if you said me "how" :-D