Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
is to provide an easy way to modifying menus and toolbars of windows
on demand. This can be used to present different menus and toolbars to
widgets inside a QTabWidget, hiding or showing a different set of menus
on demand or even enabling a small plugin system.
The library is fully documented, and contains some demonstrations. It should compile
flawlessly (no warnings) with a single "qmake; make" on the root directory of the
project. It is known to work on Windows and Linux, and there is no reason why it
should not work on other platforms supported by Qt4/Qt4. Currently only gcc is tested,
but other compilers should be able to compile this library
Version 0.0.5
0.0.5 - 28 Aug 2018 - Diego Iastrubni
* code is released now under a dual license: (L)GPL 2 or 3
* code refactoring: qmdiClient::mdiClientFileName() should be used instead of
old "filename"
* code refactoring: qmdiClient::name has been renamed to
* code refactoring: include files for qmdiActionGroup and qmdiActionGroupList
changed from "actiongroup.h" and "actiongrouplist.h" into "qmdiactiongroup.h"
and qmdiactiongrouplist.h"
Transitional includes have been added, to be removed next version, please
update your code
* code refactoring: qmdiActionGroupList::updateMenu() is deprecated, use
* core refactoring: no need to pass the parnet on the constructor, instead the
qmdiTabWidget and qmdiWorkspace will check for the mdi host when mdiClients
are added
* new feature: qmdiClients are notified of (un)merged from a host
* new feature: qmdiTabWidget will hide the tabbar if the number of tabs is less
then 2 widgets
* new feature: when qmdiHost adds a qmdiClient if that client is also a widget,
add it's menus+toolbars actions to the widget.
* new feature: you can tell qmdiHost not to update it's GUI by changing
* new feature: you can convert a qmdiActionGroupList to a single popup menu
* build system: redesign the build system to ease the usage of the library inside your application
* build system: building by default shared and static libraries
Ratings & Comments
Thanks for the feedback xep. which system has been used for your test? I am using Kubuntu 7.04 (gcc 4.1.2 with Qt4.2.3) and Windows XP using MinGW 4 (gcc 4.1) and Qt 4.3.0. I would like to get feedback from non Linux/Windows users. I will update the changelog for version 0.0.5 to mention that 4.2 and 4.3 are supported. I would like to get feedback about the quality of the documentation. I have spend a lot of time working on it, and I would like to know if it's worth it.
not at all. can you give me a link to MinGW 4 with gcc 4.1 ? I have tested qmdlib on windowsxp with MinGW 5.1.3 (GCC 3.4.5) and Qt 4.3.0.
it was successfully compiled with qt4.3.0 nice looking and some usefull plugin demo works without crashes you need to integrate qmdilib with qt i think