Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Nokia Ovi Store (Symbian)
Nokia Ovi Store (MeeGo)
Google Play (Android)
BlackBerry App-World
Windows Install:
Follow the Instruction on the installer or download the Portable Version and extract it on your USB media.
Linux Install:
Follow the Link below to the Open Build Service and install the package for your Linux distribution or download the source code and compile it yourself using qmake, make.
NOTE: Installing QRemoteControl-Server directly from the repository is recommended, since you will never get informed about updates.
You can find the Git repository on sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qrc/?source=directory
NOTE: We have moved from SVN to Git recently.
- added Spanish translation
- added German, Russian and Ukrainian translations
- added native keyboard features for client version 2.5.0
- fixed a few small bugs
- restructured the GUI
- compiles with Qt5 for Windows 8 support
- added a keep alive feature, added a new sequence feature, few improvement
to the ui
- fixed some problems with windows builds, and a few glitches
- fixed space key incorrect mapping on X11
- improved faking keys on Linux and Windows
- bigger icon
- improved scrolling
- Fixed a bug with saving the command button configuration
- removed obsolete code
- added delayed modifier release
- added update checking function for windows
- recoded trayicon initialization
- added some deault icons
- changed version number, gui and structure
- added option for hiding the tray icon
- made starting of only one instance possible
- puplishing for MeeGo finished
- Fixed missing files
- Version 2.0 is online.
Complete reworked, not compatible with QRemoteControl 1
Fixed small bugs and added features
Initial release
Ratings & Comments
May add to the trial version of the Google market (even with a week duration) so that you can see? Do not want to buy a pig in a poke, suddenly it does not work.
I will make a trial version available soon. 3 days should be enough for testing.
QRemoteControl is now OpenSource and available for free on Google Play, other platform will follow soon.
Cool, but able to get source code of client for symbian?
No, I cannot give you the source. I really would like to make also the client open source. However, I think people would start stealing it and selling it with some small modifications. If the application has more users some time in the future, I probably could do this.
any chance to get special letters such as very much used in finnish: Ä and Ö and swedish: Å and other commonly used around the world? maybe option to choose regional keyboard settings?
Actually I'm also annoyed by this behavior as German also includes umlauts. However, it is too time consuming to create keyboard settings for all Languages. If I have some spare time I might implement it, but I would not bet on it in the near future.
Hello, A native keyboard implementation will be finished in a few days.
Added an package for arch linux in the AUR (Arch User Reposity): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=63582 You may add it to your list.
Thank you. Is it possible to link the package directly against the SVN repository, to keep it up to date?
Yes just remove $source and $md5sums and add _gitroot and $_gitname an add git clone to the pkg build. I hope you add other options than ovi store to by this application.
Thank you. Currently I have no idea how I could sell my application outside of Ovi Store. But Android and Google Play will be supported again, when Qt is ready for it. I also hope for Jolla and their app-store.
Ok this is sad cause i cant buy it n the ovi store.
I can add one if you need. PS: Sorry i mean $_svnroot and $_svnname.
I've been waiting an app like this. Thanks! Could you add an option to hide the icon on system tray (on gnome-shell) or atleast add an easy dialog to change the icon. I know I can change the icon myself from some directory on Linux but still. There are already too many icons on my panel and less is more.
For the first time server started as it should. Now the tray icon is red and got the error. "sni-qt/8118" WARN 16:25:48.159 void StatusNotifierItemFactory::connectToSnw() Invalid interface to SNW_SERVICE Tried restarting and logging out already.
Looks like a warning, maybe this will help: http://blog.koppi.me/2012/01/howto-fix-sni-qt19799-warn-024248-774-void-statusnotifieritemfactoryconnecttosnw-invalid-interface-to-snw_service-error-message-on-ubuntu-11-10/
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately purging qt-at-spi didn't take the desired effect after rebooting. Ubuntu 12.04 64bit. Sorry for inconvenience, but I guess resolving this issue could help other users as well.
Well, I will have do try this myself. As I have not that much spare time now, it could take some time.
Thank you for your request. In KDE it is possible to hide specific tray icons, I guess this should also be possible somehow in Gnome. However, I will also add an option for hiding the tray icon to this application.
It would be nice, if you could use this great Application even with a direct connection between the two devices. Not always there is a WLAN available (thinking of using the Smartphone as a presenter and remote control during a presentation) But even without I really love this nice tool. Use it a remote control for watching TV with Kaffeine
You can achieve this by setting up a ad-hoc network on the notebook/PC and connecting your phone. Probably you'll have to set IP-addresses manually.
Thanks for the app. On the N9 client side connected to a Linux server neither icon nor any info is shown for the user defined commands so they are pretty hard to deffer from one another. It would be great also to have the information about the volume level on the client side. May be even to replace the up/down buttons with a slider. Another feature request is to make the client buttons a bit larger so that it wouldn't be a challenge not to mis-press the wrong button.
Thanks. A volume slider would be nice, but getting the systems master volume is extremely system dependent. Improving the icon behavior on MeeGo should be possible, also changing the size of the buttons. I will upload an update soon.
Currently I'm not able to deploy the update to MeeGo, something seems to go wrong in the QA. I hope I can fix the bug soon.