Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The aim of SymbSpot was to realize a generic platform to manage 2D graphs. Thank's to the Qt library the project is cross-platform and use real young component (xml, svg,...). Feel free to use or modify the code for your own research project !
It can be used to find elements in a graph using rules and scenario. It handles geographic positions (2D), neighborhood relationship (angle, minimal distance, distance between centers), statistics and geometric characteristics. SymbSpot can find subgraph structures that respects constraints on geographic positions (2D), neighborhood relationship (angle, minimal distance, distance between centers), statistics and geometric characteristics etc...
- First you load a graph (GXL, SVG,...) in which you want to find elements (symbols or....a subgraph).
- Next you define or select the subgraph you want to find, with all constraints (or filters) on nodes and/or on edges.
- Select then the subgraph searching method to use (only a subgraph isomorphism is implemented yet)
- Finally, choose the action you want to do when the subgraph is detected (remove elements, create a set...).
Depends on
CGAL 3.2
QT 4.3.x
Runs on
Linux, Windows and MacOS systems.
===== v0.6 =====
* change to a dynamic drawing process (improve speed)
* add a selection tool
With the selected nodes, you can now :
* - remove them form the graph
* - merge the selection to a new type (or an existing one)
* - search the same structure (graph) in the whole document
* add a dialog to import some characteristics of each node/edge with a specific interval (+/- X% of the value)
===== v0.51 =====
* correct bugs
* export the graph into an image file
* improve import of svg files
* different views implemented
* add a way the display characteristics of nodes (%X in Edit>preferences)
* correct a bug in the neighborhood detection
* Replace Open a Scenario by Add a scenario
* littles changes in the subgraph detection interface
* an estimation of the minimal distance between two polygons (point to point), the real distance will be implemented with the new CGAL version
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