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Available as/for:
HTTraQt is the clone from WinHTTrack tool. GUI is based on Qt4 libriaries.
Please install httrack-dev with httrack from your repository. If not, You can compile the libraries from original httrack project:
Compile and install this before GUI compiling.

For compiling of HTTraQt:
cmake .

For creating packages:
strip ./httraqt
make package-binary-deb
make package-binary-rpm

If You have any problems with this program, please start this with GDB.

For compiling with Qt5 please set the USE_QT_VERSION to 5 in CMakeLists.txt

Possible to easy switch the language of GUI, supported are: Bulgarian, Chinese-Simplified, Deutsch, English, Francais, Italiano, Magyar, Norsk, Portugues-Brasil, Romanian, Slovak, Svenska, Ukrainian, Castellano, Dansk, Eesti, Finnish, Greek, Japanese, Nederlands, Polski, Portugues, Russian, Slovenian, Turkish

For actual Debian 8 and Ubuntu distributions please check the package list of repository.
Last changelog:


01 jun 2017: 1.4.9, added options QT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION, QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS; fixed generation of package dependencies list ; fixed cmakelists settings for Qt5 version

20 jan 2017: 1.4.8, Main GUI fixed for displays with small resolution

13 nov 2015: 1.4.7, ticket 34, rulez seperated by newline insteed of space

06 sep 2015: 1.4.6, hotfix for Qt5 compiling

30 aug 2015: 1.4.5, fixed handling of multiply urls; program was intergrated in most popular distributions

19 jul 2014: 1.4.4, fixed "size" bug in progress widget

09 jun 2014: 1.4.3, hotfix for libhttrack > 3.48.13

05 jun 2014: 1.4.2, program patch for libhttrack > 3.48.10

02 jun 2014: 1.4.1, overworked icons handling

29 may 2014: 1.4.0, support of new translation file format, short form.

24 may 2014: 1.3.4, translation correctures

21 may 2014: 1.3.3, translation class extended for new file format; htsnet.h fixed for new libhttrack > 3.48.9

24 apr 2014: 1.3.2, Belarussian language was added, thanks to MudroÅ­ Maxim

08 apr 2014: 1.3.1, options as separate class

29 jan 2014: 1.3.0, Shutdown/Hibernate have been implemented, Autoclose MessageBoxes for it; Qt5 ready; for compiling with Qt5 change the row "SET(USE_QT_VERSION 4)" at beginning of CMakeLists.txt; Additional switch definition in file version.h: USE_QT_VERSION, autogeneration depended from cmake option

24 jan 2014: 1.2.3, OptionsDialog: activation of first page after any button click fixed; replaced "H" icon; hide password on proxyoptions;

19 jan 2014: 1.2.2, OptionsDialog: wrapping of text in widgets implemented.

01 jan 2014: 1.2.1, Options are moved from QVector to QMap; too often creating of OptionsDialog fixed;
project has been uploaded into Debian main archive

21 dec 2013: 1.2.0, SystemTray mode was implemented, ProcessPage: rows will be hidden if no info

13 dec 2013: 1.1.11, limit options: comboboxes are editable

07 dec 2013: 1.1.10, closed tickets: #19, #22, #26, #21, #27.
version compatibile to WinHTTrack, webhttrack projects

11 nov 2013: v.1.1.9, fixed: sync for QSettings. possible to save the global parameters of program

24 oct 2013: v.1.1.8, additional parameter "BuildTopIndex"

16 oct 2013: v.1.1.7, handling of parameters like webhttrack: separated with "space"

14 oct 2013: v.1.1.6, fixed: dependencies bug: libhttrack -> libhttrack2

22 sep 2013: v.1.1.5, fixed: if checkbox is "false", not toggles

03 sep 2013: v.1.1.4, fixed mistake with URL dialog if rejected, ticket #16

30 aug 2013: v.1.1.3, fixed bug in "Rules options" widget, fixed: new project after downloaded project

12 aug 2013: v.1.1.2, "cancel" button will be hidden if no file name in progress list

10 aug 2013: v.1.1.1, exe bit during creating of packages fixed

03 jul 2013: v.1.1.0, cancel download of separate file implemented, ticket #10

01 jul 2013: v.1.0.17, remastered translation of dictionaries, remastered dialog boxes: translations for buttons, fixed InsertUrlDialog crash, ticket #11

25 jun 2013: v.1.0.16, fixed cinese and japanese dictionaries

19 jun 2013: v.1.0.15, crash during switch of languiages fixed (if file is not complete)

13 jun 2013: v.1.0.14, fixed dependencies bug, ticket #9; fixed selecting working path, ticket #7; removed make httraqt_rpm, httraqt_deb; remastered cmake cpack rulez: make package-binary-deb; package-binary-rpm; package-binary-stgz; package-binary-tbz2; package-binary-tgz; package_source are possible

04 jun 2013: v.1.0.13, fixed close app mistake, ticket #4; fixed BuildStringDialog bug, ticket #3; fixed QFileDialog bug for Qt4.7, ticket #5. many thanks to katiem

14 may 2013: v.1.0.12, fixed OptionsLimits widget

08 may 2013: v.1.0.11, fixed CPack rulez for debian based packages

05 may 2013: v.1.0.10, fixed russian language file

02 may 2013: v.1.0.9, font size for all widgets depended from system font size

20 apr 2013: v.1.0.8, one styleSheet/same font size for all widgets

05 apr 2013: v.1.0.7, fixed font size, if fonts are not installed

10 jan 2013: v.1.0.6, "delaying before download" in "HH-MM-SS" window remade to "stop of downloading"

02 jan 2013: v.1.0.5, removed popup after breaked downloading, like WinHTTrack; fixed update bug

31 dec 2012: v.1.0.4, fixed autodetection of architecture during DEB creating.

30 dec 2012: v.1.0.3, remastered vectors init, removed std=c++0x option for compatibility with compilers older GCC 4.4. Checked on Debian 6 and OS/2

29 dec 2012: v.1.0.2, removed Qt3Support dependencies from UI files

28 dec 2012: v.1.0.1, possible to generate RPM filez

25 dec 2012: v.1.0.0, fixed progress tab init, fixed sheduler

19 dec 2012: v.0.99.10, fixed bug in OptionsTab url edit widget. cmake settings are in separate files for Linux, OSX (dummy file), Windows (dummy file).

18 dec 2012: v.0.99.9, fixed "make package" only for debian (and based) distributions. fixed mistake with language files location after installation.

16 dec 2012: v.0.99.8, changes in cmake configuration files. "make package" will be solved in next update of project

15 dec 2012: v.0.99.7, additional checking of to loaded icon file size. allowed size < 1kB

12 dec 2012: v.0.99.6, additional icons for language actions, remastered about popup window

10 dec 2012: v.0.99.5, additional autoselecting of QCheckButtons for extensions in OptionsRulez

09 dec 2012: v.0.99.4, implemented GUI actions: new project, browse, changed app dir detection

08 dec 2012: v.0.99.3, first official release

Ratings & Comments



9 +


httraqt-1.3.2-1 does not work on Manjaro Linux. Installed via: yauort -S httraqt httraqt launches but unable to mirrot site. Process completes as soon as pressing Ready button. The only file created is winprofile.ini The browser version of httrack works.


Just want to mention, the i386/i686 version of httraqt-1.3.2-1 works as required. It is the x86_64 version that terminates abruptly.


hi! thanks for this item! the program was installed from the official repository? if yes, i can check it in my VirtualBox. if not, i need the information about the libhttrack, which version is on your computer?


From what I can tell, /usr/lib/ is version 2.0.48 There is a file named "" in /usr/lib


Yes. httraqt was installed from the official repository (not AUR).


hi! please wait for actualization from repository. if the problem will existing in new version, then i need the settings file of your project. but i think, it's bug or any mistake in the libhttrack, in this case i'll write the ticket for Xavier Roche (developer of libhttrack)


Hello, Httrack is installed and works. All installed libraries are prefixed by "lib" (, etc). Is httrack a link on one existing lib ? which one ? Where is the makefile with the link command ? Thanks for your help. Quote:

... compilation without problem... -- CPack for Linux configuration... -- Found rpmbuild : /usr/bin/rpmbuild -- dpkg-deb NOT found. deb generation will not be available -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /Data/Softs/httraqt-1.0.6 bash-4.2# make Linking CXX executable httraqt /usr/lib/gcc/i486-slackware-linux/4.7.1/../../../../i486-slackware-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lhttrack collect2: error: ld make[2]: *** [httraqt] Erreur 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/httraqt.dir/all] Erreur 2 make: *** [all] Erreur 2


yes, why not? see description ;)


thank you for this invaluable help.


sorry, but i think, slackware do not have the libhttrack in the repository. in this case the source code for this library must be downloaded from original httrack website. must be compiled and installed. in other case (if library is installed), configuration of cmake must find the path to the library. /usr/lib/ , or /usr/local/lib/ , or...


Thanks for your answer. I already changed the paths in cmake : I install softs that are not in the slackware in /usr/local/. So I replaced the paths with /usr/local/Httrack/include and /usr/local/Httrack/lib. Is it normal to have an error with -lhttrack instead of -llibhttrack ? That's why I asked - for the command line to maybe change httrack to libhttrack - if httrack is a link on one libhttarck lib


>Is it normal to have an error with -lhttrack instead of -llibhttrack ? yes, for compiler/linker correct: -l means lib: if you define -llibhttrack, linker understand this as liblibhttrack. Do you have this? I think, no, you don't.


and little remark: in Linux path name /usr/local/Httrack/include is not a same as /usr/local/httrack/include !!


Archlinux: with ver 1.0.1 no compila !!?? [ 72%] Building CXX object plugins/sidebar/CMakeFiles/leechcraft_sidebar.dir/sbwidget.cpp.o Updating 'leechcraft_touchstreams_en.qm'... Generated 4 translation(s) (4 finished and 0 unfinished) Updating 'leechcraft_touchstreams_ru_RU.qm'... Generated 4 translation(s) (4 finished and 0 unfinished) Scanning dependencies of target leechcraft_touchstreams [ 72%] Building CXX object plugins/touchstreams/CMakeFiles/leechcraft_touchstreams.dir/touchstreams.cpp.o /home/mrbit/aur3/leechcraft/src/leechcraft-0.5.90-30-ga1ad69d/src/plugins/sidebar/sbwidget.cpp: In constructor ‘LeechCraft::Sidebar::SBWidget::SBWidget(ICoreProxy_ptr, QWidget*)’: /home/mrbit/aur3/leechcraft/src/leechcraft-0.5.90-30-ga1ad69d/src/plugins/sidebar/sbwidget.cpp:50:20: error: ‘class ICoreProxy’ has no member named ‘GetMWProxy’ /home/mrbit/aur3/leechcraft/src/leechcraft-0.5.90-30-ga1ad69d/src/plugins/sidebar/sbwidget.cpp:50:32: error: unable to deduce ‘auto’ from ‘<expression error>’ /home/mrbit/aur3/leechcraft/src/leechcraft-0.5.90-30-ga1ad69d/src/plugins/sidebar/sbwidget.cpp: In member function ‘void LeechCraft::Sidebar::SBWidget::handleTabContextMenu(const QPoint&)’: /home/mrbit/aur3/leechcraft/src/leechcraft-0.5.90-30-ga1ad69d/src/plugins/sidebar/sbwidget.cpp:258:21: error: ‘class ICoreProxy’ has no member named ‘GetTabWidget’ /home/mrbit/aur3/leechcraft/src/leechcraft-0.5.90-30-ga1ad69d/src/plugins/sidebar/sbwidget.cpp:258:35: error: unable to deduce ‘auto’ from ‘<expression error>’ /home/mrbit/aur3/leechcraft/src/leechcraft-0.5.90-30-ga1ad69d/src/plugins/sidebar/sbwidget.cpp:259:46: error: unable to deduce ‘auto’ from ‘<expression error>’ /home/mrbit/aur3/leechcraft/src/leechcraft-0.5.90-30-ga1ad69d/src/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void LeechCraft::Sidebar::Plugin::Init(ICoreProxy_ptr)’: /home/mrbit/aur3/leechcraft/src/leechcraft-0.5.90-30-ga1ad69d/src/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.cpp:48:11: error: ‘class ICoreProxy’ has no member named ‘GetMWProxy’ /home/mrbit/aur3/leechcraft/src/leechcraft-0.5.90-30-ga1ad69d/src/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.cpp:49:11: error: ‘class ICoreProxy’ has no member named ‘GetMainWindow’ make[2]: *** [plugins/sidebar/CMakeFiles/leechcraft_sidebar.dir/sbwidget.cpp.o] Errore 1


sorry ...error program???


very sorry, but it's not from my project.


no build icon httraqt.xpm ???


fixed. "make package" will be fixed in next update


fixed. "make package" will be fixed in next update

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